NFL Pickem Contest: 'It's Baaaaack!'


The Commissioner
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
Alma Mater

A number of you have anxiously messaged me asking about this year's NFL Pickem contest.

'Are we playing again this year?'
'When will the NFL Pickem Contest open?'
'Please please tell me we're playing again this year?'

So, in the appropriate order.

Hell yes! :)

All you need to do is click on the 'NFL Pickem' link in our navigation bar at the top of the page, and follow the registration instructions. Alternatively, you can let me know via this thread that you're In Like Flint for the 2010 contest. There are no major changes from last year's contest, but we do ask that if you register to play, you play the entire season regardless of how well you are doing. We plan on throwing in some unofficial mystery prizes occasionally for the best record on a given week, just so those getting pummelled on the season standings still have something to play for. Remember that although you can start playing as soon as the Hall of Fame game, Pre-Season games are ONLY for practice. Only Regular Season, Post-Season, and the Super Bowl games count for the overall standings.

Jimbo, our 2009 Overall Winner dares you to challenge his supremacy! At least that's what he told me.

Btw - we will be *settling up with* the 2009 winners in the next 7-10 days. If you recall, our BGO Store has been out of action, and that is soon to be remedied.

Let any questions fly - we're proud to offer this contest, and we think we've got the best NFL contest software you'll find anywhere. Last season went smooth as silk and we expect this year's contest to be just as seamless and user-friendly.

And one final note, I'm working out some minor kinks, but it appears we may also be able to run an NCAA Football contest this season as well. If that's something there is significant interest in, I expect we'll do that as well. Let me know your thoughts on that possibility!
For the record, I also finished in first place for 2009 on that "other" board. Yes, I AM the Ken Jennings of NFL Pickem and this is my Jeopardy. Challenge me, IF YOU DARE! :moon: :nana:

OK, enough smack. Sir Boone is correct. THIS Pickem contest really IS the best. Hats off the him and all those that helped to set this up. It really is a blast.

Come one, come all. The game is afoot.
For the record, I also finished in first place for 2009 on that "other" board. Yes, I AM the Ken Jennings of NFL Pickem and this is my Jeopardy. Challenge me, IF YOU DARE! :moon: :nana:

Keep in mind, I didn't play last year.

Just saying. :)
For the record, I also finished in first place for 2009 on that "other" board. Yes, I AM the Ken Jennings of NFL Pickem and this is my Jeopardy. Challenge me, IF YOU DARE! :moon: :nana:

OK, enough smack. Sir Boone is correct. THIS Pickem contest really IS the best. Hats off the him and all those that helped to set this up. It really is a blast.

Come one, come all. The game is afoot.

How soon they forget... ;)
O.K. I'm in again.

Jimbo and Neo could probably use some "incentive". :uhoh:
Already humming btw...for those who haven't played before, this isn't the usual 'type out every game and your picks' contest. The game software allows you to see the entire schedule every week, and hand-select your picks, or have the software make your picks based on several criteria. It's pretty kewl :)
I'm in just to knock Jimbo down a few notches. ;) Plus I want that avatar. :)
In for NFL, but I don't follow college enough to pick that.
if the Redskins can win some games this year...then I got a good chance.

Skins killed my mojo last year. I'm sticking to that excuse :)
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*Bump* #1

Sign up early peeps. This year is going to be a slugfest :)
I dont see any games up to pick yet. Are they setup yet?

The game schedules are loaded. I've even logged in as you and they are there. You can't pick the HOF game as that's already occurred. But the rest of the season is there. Remember you have to select the pool ('BGO 2010 NFL Pickem') from the main menu on the left once you've logged in.

I wanna play!

Check your pms - you're set.

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