As some of you know, I host a beer-tasting show at the local Renaissance Festival here in the DFW area for 8 weekends in the spring. Every weekend has a different theme and menu. Most of the themes are geographical like Beers of Belgium or Beers of Germany. However, there aren't enough major geographical regions of the world to go 8 weekends without repeating so I have a couple of non-geographical themes. Examples are my favorites which is always done on Memorial Day weekend and "Some Like It Dark" which is all dark beer - always a hit with the Ren Faire crowd.
This weekend I am doing a show I started a couple of years ago called "Blind Date" where I teach the art of blind style identification. This is year 3 for this theme and it has quickly become a fan favorite. This year, however, I'm feeling surly and evil this week so I got creative with the beer list.
Now, before I share the list, I should tell you that I have rules for this particular show. First, all beer styles come out of the latest edition official Beer Judge Certification Program style guide. I'd pick any crazy new styles that may not have an official description or definition yet. Second, each individual beer I select comes right out of the Commercial Examples section for the style in the BJCP guidelines so the beer choice isn't arbitrary and I don't throw weird things out there. I also try to keep the styles pretty mainstream so you won't find a Gueze, a Rauschbier, an Ode Brun, or even an English mild.
This week's beer list is:
Konig Pilsener
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Cigar City Jai Alai IPA
Achor Porter
Deschutes Obsidian Stout
These beers will come out to the audience pre-poured in a plastic cup and in random order. In fact, even I don't know the order because I have a person backstage making it up as they go along with orders to make it different for every show. The only rule I have for service is that the Porter and the Stout can't be first.