Birth of a Beer...

Went to an event on Saturday called "Christmas in July" where a local brewery releases their bourbon barrel aged stout in bottles and the admission is either 15 bucks or a toy worth the same value

Such a great beer and time.
Big brew day today. Got starters going yesterday for some homegrown honey mead, and two BGO Tailgate Beers, 'Megaladon' (a big ol' Imperial Irish Red) and a Chocolate Stout (at least some of which will be flavored with ghost pepper). Lots to do!

Took half a batch of Chocolate Stout, added crushed cocoa nibs and half of a Ghost Pepper. BGO Tailgate brew ...

The 2nd BGO beer - Megaladon! It's a big ol' Irish Red with 6 oz of Centennial and Cascade hops. This one is going to be beautiful.

You sure you aren't coming Mike? :)
Taste tested the Chocolate Ghost Stout tonight for the 2nd time. First time, could barely detect a pepper taste. Added another 3rd of a sliced Ghost pepper to the mix and tasted again tonight after 2 more days. Can definitely taste the pepper and get a little tiny flame of heat. I'm going to taste again each night until I get a pronounced but not overwhelming heat with first sip. Then get those peppers out of there. Excited about this one. I think it is going to be a memorable beer.
After adding another 1/2 ghost pepper 2 nights ago, tasted again tonight and I think it's just right. Definite little bite with the first sip and an almost imperceptible burn, but not harsh or unpleasant. Just a little pinch to the cheek to let you know Mrs. Ghost has been there. I think it's going to be really nice. Almost tempted to do the full 5 gallons but think I'll keep it to just half the batch this time. Excited for folks to try this in 6-7 weeks...
Bottling something new tonight...a SMaSH brew. SMaSH = Single Malt and Single Hop

Very simplistic brew that seriously highlights the features of the malt and hop used. I did an American IPA using 6-row malt and Amarillo hops.
sounds really tasty.

As much as people are going to extremes with massive amounts of hops and the whole "Triple IPA" crap...a nice single hopped beer is pretty freaking tasty.
holy crap i need to start hanging out with you guys more often
Green Flash is opening in VA Beach

Stone is opening in Richmond

its about to get REAL hoppy on the east coast.
Just entered 3 brews in the Bluebonnet Brewoff here in the DFW area. This is the largest single site homebrew comp in the world (or so they claim).

I entered the following:

White Nipple Wit - Category 16a Witbier
WineShark IPA - Category 14b American IPA
Magic's Mint Chocolate Stout - Category 13b Sweet Stout
Handy little beer app I have been using for a while now. Check it out.


You can find me by my real name...
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Mikesr619 if you want to add me....Ive been on there a while now. Its fun to keep an eye out on what your friends and you have been drinking.

Some people cheat but the rule amongst my friends is "if you haven't had 4oz of it, don't claim it as a beer had"
Brewing my annual beach beer for our beach week in 6 weeks. Went with a lighter beer, 'Irish Blonde Ale' - 'Blonde Ales' are kind of a made up style, very light with a big head and yellow color. I don't normally make labels for my beer, except for special occasions like this one.

The finished product.


Won't taste until next week - which always makes me nervous, but I'm betting it's a good one.

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