What Would You Like For The New Name Of This Team?

63% of fans in the team's own commissioned survey wanted the name changed - and that is totally dismissed. I mean - wow.

It really seems that Josh and the owners are hoping the winning (and potentially some much better branding) will cover up the bad name. Given how he answered these questions last off-season and now again this off-season, I truly believe that team success was the biggest factor in saving the Commanders name.

I hate to admit it (and still think it's only partially true since the franchise will never MAXIMIZE what they could get out of a well-branded team) but those who yelled "winning will cure all" at me when I would complain about the name get an "I told you so" moment.
Real quick rendition

GW Redskins.jpg
It really seems that Josh and the owners are hoping the winning (and potentially some much better branding) will cover up the bad name. Given how he answered these questions last off-season and now again this off-season, I truly believe that team success was the biggest factor in saving the Commanders name.

I hate to admit it (and still think it's only partially true since the franchise will never MAXIMIZE what they could get out of a well-branded team) but those who yelled "winning will cure all" at me when I would complain about the name get an "I told you so" moment.
I think the coaches/FO using the term that a potential draftee qualifies to be "a Commander" also led them to latching on to term. Now that it's engrained into coachspeak, I can see where they may not want to let it go.
The obvious choice would be a flare of eagle's wings or some other really patriotic symbol, but I very often we used ribbons on a lot of stuff. The founders were very much into neoclassical so a laurel wreath around the circle framing George could work. Stars are also another obvious choice. The circle could be a ring of thirteen stars.

People would complain about using George Washington...

1) It's become problematic to use any individual from history since, if you look hard enough since they are people of their time, they have inevitably done things that we frown upon now centuries later. So, some faction of the fan base or the population (probably even a larger faction than the 10% that ultimately sank "Redskins") would be up in arms about GW.
2) A subset of the people who took pride in the Redskins name would find issue with replacing native imagery with that of the people who ultimately colonized and eradicated them.

It sounds like a cool concept, but if the GW Colonials had to change their name...then I would imagine using an actual image of Washington for the highest profile sport in the country would be shot down.
People would complain about using George Washington...

1) It's become problematic to use any individual from history since, if you look hard enough since they are people of their time, they have inevitably done things that we frown upon now centuries later. So, some faction of the fan base or the population (probably even a larger faction than the 10% that ultimately sank "Redskins") would be up in arms about GW.
2) A subset of the people who took pride in the Redskins name would find issue with replacing native imagery with that of the people who ultimately colonized and eradicated them.

It sounds like a cool concept, but if the GW Colonials had to change their name...then I would imagine using an actual image of Washington for the highest profile sport in the country would be shot down.
I did think about that after I proposed it. People will find a way to tear down everything, I suppose, if they don't like it.
After some careful thought, I've come up with the following facts:

1. Our team name stinks of Snyder

2. Our fight song of 88 years is completely trashed

3. No connection to the team's heritage or history.

4. No more cool native-American head logo, instead we got this dumbass commanders W logo (with the state of Washington outlined around it in some cases)

5. We also got this thing, I don't even know what it is, which in dumber than dumb. It's even dumber than dumbest. OIP.QAPEOd9R-GnDNibGdw2XXwHaHX (474×471)

6. Our football team is now basically an expansion team.

7. The BS PC crowd wins, Redskins fans lose.

8. President Trump should get involved, veto Harris' decision, and set it back to Redskins by executive order starting today.
6. Our football team is now basically an expansion team.

This is at the crux of my anger. By not addressing it sooner, Josh Harris and team strung us along for a year and a half with false hope of a properly done rebrand acting as if winning on the field would cure it, only to tell us yesterday to go **** ourselves.

Winning does not cure it, because this is NOT OUR TEAM. It's an expansion franchise. So you could go win a Super Bowl and it still doesn't fix the fact that it's not my team, it's instead the team that STOLE my team.

Fixing the brand was always more important than any other team issue, and for all the good they did in every other department, it no longer matters. Think I'm alone in feeling this way? Then how come the massive majority of team gear seen at every game is still a brand that hasn't existed for five years now.

Remember how well the "DC fans traveled" in the playoffs in Tampa? News flash, those weren't DC locals. They're the fans you just gave 2 giant middle fingers to. Good luck getting them to continue to buy into your expansion team.

Hail. To the MF-ing Redskins, RedWolves, Warriors, Wolves, even the WereWolves. But not the C-Word.
I was in New Orleans for the game vs the Saints. There were a ton of Washington fans all over the French Quarter. Restaurants, bars, Cafe Dumond, etc. These were not local fans. The airport the day following the game was full of fans. Redskins gear was more prominent than Commanders but both were well represented. Before the Tampa playoff game nearly all of the team’s beat reporters commented on how their flights to Tampa were full of Washington fans. I wouldn’t be so quick to diminish the passion that exists in the fanbase for the team because I believe that is more driven by personal opinion and animus than by any other measure. I say this as someone who is not enamored by what is now the ‘permanent’ name and that will forever refer to my fandom as a Redskins fan. Reality can be a kick in the teeth but what is the alternative going forward? To stop following the team that I have been a fan of from a small child into my golden years? Nah, that ain’t gonna happen.
Look, as someone whose first choice would be Redskins and whose next choices would be something to harken back to our tradition/history (Braves/Warriors), I need to chime in with another sobering aspect to this name debate. Not only is Harris banking on the fact that winning will cover up the stench of Commanders, but he's also just realistically realizing that, over time, there will be fewer and fewer of true, older Redskins fans.

Sure, some fans THOUGHT their best years were with the Skins in the 2000s following Cooley or Portis or Moss or Griffin...but those younger fans are probably very easily realizing what a good team actually looks like.

Those of us in our 40s/50s or older already knew...and those cherished memories from the 70s/80s/early-90s with the Redskins will ALWAYS be the our favorites. The problem is, each and every day there are fewer of us. Harris understands that and realizes that the complaints and cries for a better name will only get quieter and quieter as we die off or become apathetic.
We have to accept it. The players deserve our support. And I disagree that it is the name or the uniforms that make this ‘our team’. It’s the NFL team that represents the DMV and I will never stop rooting for them.

We got through the Snyder years. We can get past the stupid, stupid name.
We have to accept it. The players deserve our support. And I disagree that it is the name or the uniforms that make this ‘our team’. It’s the NFL team that represents the DMV and I will never stop rooting for them.

We got through the Snyder years. We can get past the stupid, stupid name.
Agree to disagree on geography being the sole factor for connecting with a team. People connect for all sorts of reasons and establish/strengthen that pride and connection over the years in a complex stew of emotions.

I grew up an O's fan because of proximity and radio (so mostly making your point). But in 2005, I couldn't change loyalties and rep the closer team when the Nats moved to town. This name thing isn't a perfect analogy, but the dynamic of being a fan was altered pretty significantly. Some of the nostalgic bonds to our youth are broken, so if some can't maintain the passion without the name/branding, it seems just as logical a reason as which city a team represents.
I get it. I just don’t think walking away as some seem to be leaning towards makes a lot of sense. Sometimes things suck but you just have to work through them since they are beyond your control and try and make the best of it. Just my mindset.
Look, as someone whose first choice would be Redskins and whose next choices would be something to harken back to our tradition/history (Braves/Warriors), I need to chime in with another sobering aspect to this name debate. Not only is Harris banking on the fact that winning will cover up the stench of Commanders, but he's also just realistically realizing that, over time, there will be fewer and fewer of true, older Redskins fans.

Sure, some fans THOUGHT their best years were with the Skins in the 2000s following Cooley or Portis or Moss or Griffin...but those younger fans are probably very easily realizing what a good team actually looks like.

Those of us in our 40s/50s or older already knew...and those cherished memories from the 70s/80s/early-90s with the Redskins will ALWAYS be the our favorites. The problem is, each and every day there are fewer of us. Harris understands that and realizes that the complaints and cries for a better name will only get quieter and quieter as we die off or become apathetic.

Hard to believe that's his driving force though considering he's an early gen x'er and is in the same boat as the older fans.

I can't imagine he's contemplating his own mortality and thinking we'll all be gone soon enough and this problem will take care of itself.

And I'm a bit surprised that he has this rare opportunity to cement his own legacy by choosing the name of the team he's going to resurrect from the ashes and is passing on it.
The obvious choice would be a flare of eagle's wings or some other really patriotic symbol, but I very often we used ribbons on a lot of stuff. The founders were very much into neoclassical so a laurel wreath around the circle framing George could work. Stars are also another obvious choice. The circle could be a ring of thirteen stars.
Maybe we could play a road game in Nuremberg. Have some kind of rally before the game?

I get it. I just don’t think walking away as some seem to be leaning towards makes a lot of sense. Sometimes things suck but you just have to work through them since they are beyond your control and try and make the best of it. Just my mindset.
The team is suppose to be something they take pride in and enjoy. It’s not like work or required in their life to deal with. If it makes them unhappy it’s their right walk away. You don’t have to accept something sucking that you don’t have to force yourself to accept. Watching their team is suppose to be fun. It’s not like a bad boss you have to deal with until you find something better.


The team name should be selected by Wash fans. Simple as that. The name was forced on fans with lies that they would have a major say in it.

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