What Would You Like For The New Name Of This Team?

One last time just for fun!.

Howl for the werewolves
Howl for victory
Pack on the prey trail
Fight for old DC


(Still never quite got the third line right)

Feast on their entrails :cool:
63% of fans in the team's own commissioned survey wanted the name changed - and that is totally dismissed. I mean - wow.

I do wonder how that percentage may have changed after the season we just had. I guess there is no point now.
It's unforgiveable.

Clearly Daniel Snyder was a horrid human being and did far worse human actions (sexual harassment, stealing, misappropriation of funds, etc.)....

...but if you compare actions regarding team management only? This is worse than anything Snyder EVER did. Snyder made mistake after mistake because he was a petulant idiot.

Josh Harris on the other hand is a very smart man. And still willingly chose to tell the die hards who stuck through 3 decades of suck to go **** themselves and even though we have a choice to return the branding to any number of viable options to connect to your rich history.... Nah. Instead, look at our one single 12 win season and act as if it's "more important" and go eat your shit sandwich. The winning on the field, the new stadium deal, absolutely NONE of it was more important than the branding to re-engage the die hards.

His pockets will still continue to get larger from a new fanbase that will certainly fill in some of the gaps.... But he'll never get a dollar of mine.


See Chuck, you jumped straight to Anger. You're ahead of me now. Not that I disagree with you.
Call me a homer, but I'm holding out hope that this name may be changed down the road. He's using the same language he used last year. And I think he slipped up when he said "right now..." at the :20 sec mark in the above vid. "Right now" trailed off and then he restructured what he was saying. What I see is he doesn't want to talk about the name. Not now. Right now he wants to talk about winning, and improvements at the park, and the stadium. He's got a full plate. Later when asked "Is commanders here to say?", he replied "yeah yeah... we're going with that." Yeah means "stop asking me about the name!" "we're going with that," means we're going with that for now.

MHO mixed with a little magical fairy dust and strong medicine

Mark The Homer
It’s not changing Mark.

I do think the visual identity/uniforms/merchandise etc will get updated/improved.
One last time just for fun!.

Howl for the werewolves
Howl for victory
Pack on the prey trail
Fight for old DC


(Still never quite got the third line right)

It’s hard to think of any lyrics that work better than “Braves on the Warpath.” Removing that line is the worst part of the new fight song. Is it any wonder fans can’t help but sing the old line? I’ve heard people sing the line “Hail to the Commanders,” but they rarely if ever say the line “Fight for our Commanders.”

I’m holding on to hope they can at least fix things like this.
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Well damn. They really shit the bed and making us lay in it 😔. Disappointing, they could’ve done something but it seems we’re stuck with it now.
I read we will revamp the uniforms at some point. Cool, hope they get it right.

Can we have hopes for a new logo too, please? Rid the atrocious W

Just a little search got me thinking they can get decent logo made.

Skull may be over the top with guns but it’s kinda cool

Flag/shield/swords may work also.

Though would probably get flack for promoting violence or some bs

Who am I kidding, I’m not going to dig into it and get my hopes too high because in all likelihood they will just put some glitter on the same W we have and call it good. There’s really no fixing it, it just needs to change.



I don’t think putting a little lipstick on major tuddy is much consolation right now
I feel this. I am not happy with the kibosh Harris put on a name change. I felt dismissed and marginalized as someone who lost the Redskins name and logo and has been waiting for a consolation prize of a better, more embraceable name.

However, if they take "Commanders" and run with it, giving it proper attention (font, logo, marketing) I can see myself becoming more comfortable. A version of the former logo with George Washington's head (he was the first Commander-in-Chief) as the profile could be acceptable (I'm thinking something like the profile image on the U.S. quarter). I do like the font for "raise hail" that was used in marketing this past season. There are glimmers of hope.

But I'm still wishing the owners would recant and reconsider.
However, if they take "Commanders" and run with it, giving it proper attention (font, logo, marketing) I can see myself becoming more comfortable. A version of the former logo with George Washington's head (he was the first Commander-in-Chief) as the profile could be acceptable (I'm thinking something like the profile image on the U.S. quarter). I do like the font for "raise hail" that was used in marketing this past season. There are glimmers of hope.

It's just a first reaction, but I think the George Washington Profile thing could be really cool. If done properly, it could even be an homage to the Indian head profile we used for so many years. Maybe use a laurel instead of feathers?
It's just a first reaction, but I think the George Washington Profile thing could be really cool. If done properly, it could even be an homage to the Indian head profile we used for so many years. Maybe use a laurel instead of feathers?
Yeah, I tried to think of a proper substitute for the hanging feathers on the ring around the profile, but nothing is coming to me.
Yeah, I tried to think of a proper substitute for the hanging feathers on the ring around the profile, but nothing is coming to me.
The obvious choice would be a flare of eagle's wings or some other really patriotic symbol, but I very often we used ribbons on a lot of stuff. The founders were very much into neoclassical so a laurel wreath around the circle framing George could work. Stars are also another obvious choice. The circle could be a ring of thirteen stars.

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