What Would You Like For The New Name Of This Team?

Call me a homer, but I'm holding out hope that this name may be changed down the road. He's using the same language he used last year. And I think he slipped up when he said "right now..." at the :20 sec mark in the above vid. "Right now" trailed off and then he restructured what he was saying. What I see is he doesn't want to talk about the name. Not now. Right now he wants to talk about winning, and improvements at the park, and the stadium. He's got a full plate. Later when asked "Is commanders here to say?", he replied "yeah yeah... we're going with that." Yeah means "stop asking me about the name!" "we're going with that," means we're going with that for now.

MHO mixed with a little magical fairy dust and strong medicine

Mark The Homer
Once again, it was an impossible issue. There was no clear cut path to a name that majority of the fan base was going to embrace. This was the definition of a complex problem. I don't like the name, but I love the team. Maybe winning will change my mind over time but likely not. I just have to accept it.
Enjoy the **** sandwich. We're going to need more mustard.
Lmao, ol’ HT tried to tell you but noooooo, yer dum they said. You don’t know nuffin’ (which may be truer than I dare to admit) cause he loooooves us fans they said. You just wait, any minute now, they said.

Welp, you were right. Hocked up loogie right in the old eyeball is what you got for all your breathy, lathered up, echo chamber nonsense. Face it, while message boards have their place, they represent a very minute and decreasing fraction of the fanbase at large.

I’ll say it again, the rebrand IS Daniels. The newly minted fan doesn’t give fucks about the name on the front of the jersey. They are following the shiny new name on the back of the jersey.

Anyway, you all have at the next new shiny object on your veritable horizon: colors/jersey mockups/logos/etc and mock up to your hearts content.

I know you butthurt but as for HT and his ilk, we’ll be going Commando in our halcyon chair on our halcyon beach sipping on our halcyon umbrella drink enjoying some halcyon music. Get those panties unwadded and let’s go Commando Welcome aboard 🍷
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All I will Say is Josh just destroyed any good will built up with the older fans looking to come back to active support of the team.
I go to 1-2 games a year. I wear my skins gear. I would have purchased warriors or braves or even some other name gear. I will/have never bought
Anything that says commanders on it.
Lmao, ol’ HT tried to tell you but noooooo, yer dum they said. You don’t know nuffin’ (which may be truer than I dare to admit) cause he loooooves us fans they said. You just wait, any minute now, they said.

Welp, you were right. Hockey up loogie right in the old eyeball is what you got for all your breathy, lathered up, echo chamber nonsense. Face it, while message boards have their place, they represent a very minute and decreasing fraction of the fanbase at large.

I’ll say it again, the rebrand IS Daniels. The newly minted fan doesn’t give fucks about the name on the front of the jersey. They are following the shiny new name on the back of the jersey.

Anyway, you all have at the next new shiny object on your veritable horizon: colors/jersey mockups/logos/etc and mock up to your hearts content.

I know you butthurt but as for HT and his ilk, we’ll be going Commando in our halcyon chair on our halcyon beach sipping on our halcyon umbrella drink enjoying some halcyon umbrella drinks. Welcome aboard 🍷

Hidden amongst the snark and fan-scorn there are actually a few good points in there. Referring to yourself in the 3rd person? I think the that might be the echo you’re hearing …
Hidden amongst the snark and fan-scorn there are actually a few good points in there. Referring to yourself in the 3rd person? I think the that might be the echo you’re hearing …

Yeah, and I mean, this wasn't just " a message board thing ".

Well, at least we know that ‘reading the room’ was not a consideration. 🤣
Well, at least we know that ‘reading the room’ was not a consideration.

Especially the room with the over 40 fans, ... you know, the ones that have been there the longest. They've been given the cold shoulder a few times here recently, regardless of ownership.
Especially the room with the over 40 fans, ... you know, the ones that have been there the longest. They've been given the cold shoulder a few times here recently, regardless of ownership.
And the fans with the cash to afford to spend on the expensive NFL tickets etc. How many 20 somethings can afford to buy tickets
63% of fans in the team's own commissioned survey wanted the name changed - and that is totally dismissed. I mean - wow.
Hidden amongst the snark and fan-scorn there are actually a few good points in there. Referring to yourself in the 3rd person? I think the that might be the echo you’re hearing …
Thanks this was nicer and funnier than my reply was going to be
Tough love here Mark - it’s the name. Permanently.

Just looked this up on AI:

The stages of mourning, often referred to as the stages of grief, are a series of emotional and psychological processes that people typically go through after losing a loved one. These stages were first introduced by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book "On Death and Dying." The Kübler-Ross model includes five stages of grief:

  1. Denial: This initial stage involves disbelief and shock. It can serve as a defense mechanism to help numb the immediate impact of the loss.
  2. Anger: As the reality of the loss sets in, individuals may feel anger or frustration. They might direct their anger towards themselves, others, or even the loved one who has passed away.
  3. Bargaining: In this stage, individuals may attempt to negotiate or make deals with a higher power in hopes of reversing or lessening the loss. They might dwell on "what if" and "if only" statements.
  4. Depression: This stage involves profound sadness and mourning. Individuals may withdraw, experience feelings of hopelessness, and struggle with the weight of the loss.
  5. Acceptance: The final stage is characterized by coming to terms with the loss. While the pain may still be present, individuals begin to find ways to move forward and adjust to life without their loved one.
It's important to note that grief is a highly personal and non-linear process. People may experience these stages in different orders, revisit stages, or even skip some stages altogether. Everyone's journey through grief is unique.


Give me a few months. :(
It's unforgiveable.

Clearly Daniel Snyder was a horrid human being and did far worse human actions (sexual harassment, stealing, misappropriation of funds, etc.)....

...but if you compare actions regarding team management only? This is worse than anything Snyder EVER did. Snyder made mistake after mistake because he was a petulant idiot.

Josh Harris on the other hand is a very smart man. And still willingly chose to tell the die hards who stuck through 3 decades of suck to go **** themselves and even though we have a choice to return the branding to any number of viable options to connect to your rich history.... Nah. Instead, look at our one single 12 win season and act as if it's "more important" and go eat your shit sandwich. The winning on the field, the new stadium deal, absolutely NONE of it was more important than the branding to re-engage the die hards.

His pockets will still continue to get larger from a new fanbase that will certainly fill in some of the gaps.... But he'll never get a dollar of mine.

I’m disappointed but not surprised. I did not expect another name change, especially after such a great season.

I hated the new name at first, and I’ve only recently started calling them anything but Redskins, but the new name has grown on me some. I may even like it in time, but the gloating from the people who like the new name or hate the old name is not helping.

The worst things to me are the erasure of our history and ugliness of the new branding. The black uniforms, the white jerseys that look like Falcons or Cardinals jerseys, and the ruination of the fight song are all disgusting. And it just seems wrong to call Baugh, Jugenson, Gibbs, Riggins, Monk, Green et al Commamders. Or think of the times they censored our old name and logo when discussing our history on TV. It’s all very sad for longtime fans and people with a sense of history.

The only hope now is the new ownership group at least tries to address the concern about our lost heritage. Fix the uniforms and the fight song, show some pride in our past, etc. I’ve seen some signs this may happen, e.g. the frequent use of the burgundy and gold uniform this year, the tribute to the old logo at the stadium, etc. It’s the only thing left to hope for on this front.
One last time just for fun!.

Howl for the werewolves
Howl for victory
Pack on the prey trail
Fight for old DC


(Still never quite got the third line right)

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