Lmao, ol’ HT tried to tell you but noooooo, yer dum they said. You don’t know nuffin’ (which may be truer than I dare to admit) cause he loooooves us fans they said. You just wait, any minute now, they said.
Welp, you were right. Hockey up loogie right in the old eyeball is what you got for all your breathy, lathered up, echo chamber nonsense. Face it, while message boards have their place, they represent a very minute and decreasing fraction of the fanbase at large.
I’ll say it again, the rebrand IS Daniels. The newly minted fan doesn’t give fucks about the name on the front of the jersey. They are following the shiny new name on the back of the jersey.
Anyway, you all have at the next new shiny object on your veritable horizon: colors/jersey mockups/logos/etc and mock up to your hearts content.
I know you butthurt but as for HT and his ilk, we’ll be going Commando in our halcyon chair on our halcyon beach sipping on our halcyon umbrella drink enjoying some halcyon umbrella drinks. Welcome aboard