What Would You Like For The New Name Of This Team?

I'd like to see how this pans out. First I'd like to make a collection of good names for our Washington Football Team which might replace the current one. I'm asking you for a team name or names and the reason why you think it's a good one. If you want to keep the old name, say so, and tell us why. Using the edit feature, I'll make a list of the names right here in the OP so that they're all together in one post. When we collect enough names, maybe after a week or so, I'll start a poll in this thread or make another thread with the collection of names in a poll. The membership can then choose from the list and we'll see what happens. If you post a name and I didn't put it in the OP, I must have missed it, so post it again or PM me.

This task of thinking of a good name is not an easy one. Please give it some serious thought. Think about what the name means by definition. Think about the team's heritage regarding its connection to native Americans - do we abandon it completely, or do we try to keep a distant implied connection? Think about how the team name flows with "Washington" (e.g. Washington Werewolves) Think about the number of syllables and how it would sound in our fight song - note that our current fight song Hail To The Redskins has TWO DISTINCT MUSICAL NOTES associated with Redskins - RED and SKINS - which works perfectly - it seems likely the music was written this way deliberately with one note per syllable (so two syllables would work well [e.g. Hail To The Redwolves]; three syllables might work well depending [e.g. Hail To The Warriors pronounced WAR-yers; Hail To The Sentinals pronounced SENT-nals]; but three syllables doesn't work well with other names [e.g. Commanders]). Think about if/how the name can be shortened (e.g. Nationals to Nats, Federals to Feds, etc.), is it important for the new name to start with R? (e.g. HTTR), is it good or bad if the new name starts with "red" (think about our team colors, Burgundy & Gold)? If all the above is important, which are most important, which are least important? Will ownership embrace your idea?



List of name possibilities in roughly the order they were suggested:

Werewolves - as in Washington Werewolves - has a great triple alliteration - envision the entire stadium howling and a really cool logo

Football Team - as in WFT - Washington Football Team - this was the name for several years, after Redskins and before Commanders

Football Club - as in Washington Football Club - a nod to American football's roots (rugby, RFC)

Redwolves - "Red Wolf" holds significant importance for the Cherokee Nation and other Indigenous tribes, known as a protector and teacher

Red Wolves - see above - the red wolf's range once included the eastern seaboard incl. the DMV - they are social animals which live in close-knit packs

Commanders - keep the existing name

Representatives - shortens nicely to Reps, fits well with DC as the center of government - plus, our entire fan base "reps" our team

Wolves - nice but it appears that any name with "wolves" in it may be complicated due to TM restrictions - but this article is 3 yrs old - https://tinyurl.com/2tj6px8b

Warriors - could imply honoring native Americans or could imply the US Military w/ diff branches honored at halftime w/ free tix for service people and potentially vets

Sentinels - it has a military feel and the Pentagon is located nearby - it was also the name of the team in the movie "The Replacements"

Revenuers - with IRS on the helmets - terrifying - and the refs deserve a thorough auditing, HTTR

Redfins - Redfin Pickerel, an ambush predator, name fits fight song, starts with an R, starts with Red, HTTR will still work, actual range is Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, DC

Founders - relates to our region

Presidents - relates to our city

Redhawks/RedHawks - a predator - fits well replacing old name for many reasons

Red Storm - fits well replacing old name for many reasons

Burgundy & Gold - that is who we are - team logos, uniforms, stadium, even this site

Nationals - cut a deal with our baseball team for cross marketing, St Louis did it with the Cardinals

Redskins? - ownership, as in the majority owner, has stated repeatedly this name will not be coming back, so there's no point in putting this in the poll next week - sorry

Redhawgs - works well for many reasons and it implies our beloved hogettes, this spelling may help skirt a potential TM issue

Redhogs - see above - this name was a favorite of the WFT front office several years ago, apparently, along with Commanders, Defenders, and Armada

Warthogs - plays with our past and the alliteration sounds nice

Senators - a nod to our DC Sports past

Braves - embrace our original team name in 1932, honor our Native Americans, and it's already in our fight song

Georges - borrow from Buffalo's playbook - The Washington Georges

Federals - OG USFL

Red Tails/Redtails - from the Tuskegee Airmen who served in the US Army Air Forces during World War II. Google it.

Underground - in honor of Harriet Tubman, abolitionist and social activist who was born in Maryland

Duelists - dueling was once a common practice among politicians and gentlemen to settle disputes in DC

Wolverines - these are not wolves, so maybe no potential TM issues, right? They are known for their strength and ferocity. Nice alliteration.

Warpath - it's in our fight song!

Copperheads - they are local in the DMV and they are deadly. And copper is almost a gold color.

Red Cloud - a significant historic figure and a prominent leader in the Sioux tribe in the 19th Century - one of the most important native Americans in history

Blackfoot/Blackfeet - aka Blackfeet Nation or Blackfoot Confederacy, a native American tribe, one of the largest in the US

Commodores - give the Commanders a promotion

Admirals - gives the Commanders an even bigger promotion, sounds better in fight song

Warlords - nice alliteration, fits in fight song

Potomacs - name stems from the Patawomeck Indian Tribe, based in Stafford County, Virginia along the Potomac River

Legends - because in a few years we'll be 100 years old, and we've had a lot of legends on the team (Baugh, Jurgensen, Riggins, Gibbs, etc.)

Spies - because CIA HQ is right across the river in Virginia, and NSA is only a few miles up the B-W Pkwy in Maryland

Red Foxes - lots of foxes in our area - highly adaptable - cunning, intelligent

Lobbyists - DC is famous for them, and like our players and coaches, they're often from out of town

Guardians - emphasizes protection and strength

Monuments - pays homage to the iconic landmarks in the city

Columbians - technically refers to residents of the Territory of Columbia (pre-1871), stems from Christopher Columbus, not to be confused with Colombia

Colonials - the region is within the original 13 colonies

Metros - because the DC metrorail was once regarded as the best in the country - might have TM issues with MY Mets

Lawyers - because DC has more attorneys than any city in the nation

Red Dragons - starts with red - might appeal to the younger generation

Wyverns - nice alliteration, mythical creature often depicted in European folklore, resembles dragon, fierce and powerful, symbolizing strength and protection

Redcaps - a dangerous, evil goblin from English/Scottish folklore, known for its red hat soaked in the blood of its victims

Snakeheads - the northern Snakehead is an invasive species and voracious predator first introduced in the US in the DMV in 2002

Americans - because it's inclusive of all people in America: native Americans, old European immigrants, new immigrants - it will be the new America's Team
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I think I've been on record with Werewolves. The Washington Werewolves have a great triple alliteration. I can also envision the entire stadium howling and a really cool logo.
Werewolves sounds a little corny to me. I honestly didn't mind WFT. Red Wolves. I don't know. It seems hard to make everyone happy with a new name and logo.

I'm most curious about the timing. Seems like it would be perfect to change in the offseason after Jayden's first year, but that seems pretty sudden unless they've already been doing work on this behind the scenes.
Redwolves is my top choice, but I’d absolutely be good with werewolves. In fact, I‘m ok with most of the suggestions I’ve heard. I just don’t want the name given to us by the despicable weasel that ruined our team for 25 years. Hopefully there will be a real fan vote this time, and may the most popular name win. Then maybe we can finally put this to bed once and for all.
This was always my choice.

I think I've been on record with Werewolves. The Washington Werewolves have a great triple alliteration. I can also envision the entire stadium howling and a really cool logo.
Yeah I saw you mention this a few times and I didn't really care for it at first. But now that you mention the triple alliteration and the stadium howling, I like it a lot more :p
Sentinels could be fun if you could permission from the X-Men and Marvel ;)

Someone mentioned Redfins in the other thread. For obvious reasons (the rhyme) that one felt pretty good.
My joke name remains The Washington Revenuers with a big IRS on both sides of the helmet.
On the plus side, I think by now we are all in agreement that the refs deserve a thorough auditing.

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