Matt Terl fired

Having been semi-associated with the Redskins' PR and media departments for a few years back in the ES days, I can say with a pretty strong degree of confidence that the firing/release/laying-off timing of an in-house weblogger has about as high a place in Dan Snyder's pile of things-to-do notes on his desk as reorganizing the cubicles in the secretarial pool.

I think even Matt would tell you that. ;)
All of that said Goaldeje ya gotta explain to me why this is a "d*&k" move in terms of timing. Wouldn't it be the opposite...waiting until the lockout is over and he can find another job as opposed to canning him during the lockout when finding work on a football site is less likely? It's not like he's a coach or a me out here.

Maybe I'm looking it wrong, but I figure with all the insanity going on right now (which everyone knew was coming), this is about the WORST time for him to try to latch on somewhere new. Any media outlet or team is focused on getting info on the latest signings, and aren't going to want to pay any attention at all to PR. And I don't see that craziness subsiding for several weeks.

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