Matt Terl fired

The problem with those of you defending (even slightly) the move is perception. And let's face it, Snyder has a problem with perception. Why would he allow (or fire) Terl right as the lockout is lifting? Seems like cruel timing, to say the least.

Bottom line is that there are a lot of businesses for whom I would give the benefit of the doubt in a situation like this. Anything owned by Snyder isn't one of those businesses.
The problem with those of you defending (even slightly) the move is perception. And let's face it, Snyder has a problem with perception. Why would he allow (or fire) Terl right as the lockout is lifting? Seems like cruel timing, to say the least.

Bottom line is that there are a lot of businesses for whom I would give the benefit of the doubt in a situation like this. Anything owned by Snyder isn't one of those businesses.

Exactly right.

To be quite frank, I can't believe anyone defends anything Snyder does anymore. The proof is in the pudding, he's an a-hole.
Is there anyone else who read the thread title and said "Who in the **** is Matt Terl?" or am I alone in not caring an iota about a blogger.
You've got to be kidding with this post. How in the world does the position of "team blogger" fall under football operations?

that's not what he's saying....he's saying Coach wears two hats and made the decision....not Snyder.

I don't know where ground truth falls on this. I do note that the blogger stated the divorce was "amicable".

Matt...thanks for services rendered. you had a good deal. best of luck in your new pursuits.
Is there anyone else who read the thread title and said "Who in the **** is Matt Terl?" or am I alone in not caring an iota about a blogger.

No offense, but if you haven't at least heard the name Matt Terl, you're only a part-time fan.

that's not what he's saying....he's saying Coach wears two hats and made the decision....not Snyder.

I don't know where ground truth falls on this. I do note that the blogger stated the divorce was "amicable".

I know what he was saying, and I think its ridiculous that Mike Shanahan would be in charge of hiring and firing team bloggers. Think about that for a minute - its ludicrous!
My statement was facetious and tongue and cheek ...and part time fan huh....say what you wish but I never directly respond to anything you say for a reason....I'd appreciate the same courtesy...
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
My statement was facetious and tongue and cheek ...and part time fan huh....say what you wish but I never directly respond to anything you say for a reason....I'd appreciate the same courtesy...
Posted via BGO Mobile Device

Yes, part-time fan. And you're free to respond or not respond to whomever you like, as am I.
No offense, but if you haven't at least heard the name Matt Terl, you're only a part-time fan.

I know what he was saying, and I think its ridiculous that Mike Shanahan would be in charge of hiring and firing team bloggers. Think about that for a minute - its ludicrous!

I see your point as well. I'm not getting into this one cuz...I don't know the guy and I don't know what's going on behind the scenes. seemed like a nice guy when I saw him on Skins Nation.

I just hope Snyder doesn't unload team Shanny if this season goes South. I want at least five years to overcome the mess Snyder has made of this team.
you gotta keep in mind those of us who dont live in the DMV and dont care about bloggers. i dont watch skins nation at all.

and if he was fired why are there 2 of his blogs on here today?

if you're asking me...don't know. not enough facts to know what is going on. all I know is that he seemed like a nice guy.
While I can't say I was a big fan of Mr. Terl, he was a nice enough guy the couple of times I met him. I will say there is something cosmically wrong with the Universe if the Redskins discharge Mr. Terl while Jason LaConfora is still employed with the NFL Network.

God Bless you on your future endeavors Mr. Terl.

amen to that brutha :claps:
you gotta keep in mind those of us who dont live in the DMV and dont care about bloggers. i dont watch skins nation at all.

and if he was fired why are there 2 of his blogs on here today?

I don't live in the DMV either, but that's the reason I love the blogs! Its the best way (outside of places like this) to keep in touch. Redskins blog has had some great stories this summer also, IMO.

As to why there are 2 of his blogs today, I'm not sure. Possibly he had several written already and they are publishing them now?
If a Terl falls in the woods but no one is there to see it, does the faLl make a sound? :)
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
I dunno, but he announced via Twitter that he had been let go. Changed his Twid from @RedskinsBlog to @Matt_Terl, and his bio says "former blogger for a team in Ashburn." Maybe it is a future thing, or maybe the Twitter backlash has caused the team to reconsider?
why go to blogs when we got BGO?

thats a good reason...I was just curious. and im not trying to downplay who Terl was at all or his impact on Skins Nation. I just didnt know the guy before joining BGO.

I only learned of him by going to and reading his blog there. A blog, imo, is different than a message board. Plus, I like his stories. He seemed to bring a different angle than your typical reporter. To me he showed some fun lighter sides of the players lives outside football.

Edit: Just realized there are blog posts on here...duh. Its been awhile..anyway, are his blog postings on BGO exactly the same as the ones he would post on
Just realized there are blog posts on here...duh. Its been awhile..anyway, are his blog postings on BGO exactly the same as the ones he would post on

All of Matt's blog entries show up here via RSS feed. As long as he's writing them that is :)
OK this is no big deal from my perspective so someone's going to have to help me out here. Unless we know why he was fired projecting hostility towards Snyder is half baked and premature at best. It could be Snyder or it could be Shanny. Either is plausible as neither is very fond of being criticized publicly (although Snyder didn't can any of the radio guys giving him what for and they slay him at times), or it could be that they just had diverging philosophies and decided it was best to part ways.

All of that said Goaldeje ya gotta explain to me why this is a "d*&k" move in terms of timing. Wouldn't it be the opposite...waiting until the lockout is over and he can find another job as opposed to canning him during the lockout when finding work on a football site is less likely? It's not like he's a coach or a me out here.
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