Trade Rumors

We passed on a chance to get Michael Vick - at the time, I thought it was the right move. Vick has really turned it around and I'm hating every minute of it now. Just saying.

VY was nothing like JaMarcus - ever. Yes, he acted like a jerk at times, but he didn't go out and simply toss his career aside. I'm not saying this will work. I'm saying there is nothing wrong with kicking the tires. It would be a shame to see him become what Vick has become on another team.

I see your point. it might happen...but only...IMO...if Beck or (fill in the blank) don't loo k promising after several games. it'll be interesting to watch especially if the trade/FA impasse lasts on into the foreseeable future.
I see your point. it might happen...but only...IMO...if Beck or (fill in the blank) don't loo k promising after several games. it'll be interesting to watch especially if the trade/FA impasse lasts on into the foreseeable future.

Just to make it even clearer, this isn't something that I am wholeheartedly enthusiastic about or think this would be the answer to our QB woes. If the Vick thing never happened, I would probably be saying the same things that I was preaching about prior to the Vick/Philly success saga.
I gotta disagree with a couple things you assert in this thread BB. First, Vince Young is an NFL bust and there is no way that Shanahan can be serious about "Character guys" if he considers bringing in another cry baby!

As far as Vick being the so "great", I am not buying it. His wins were against some of the worst defenses in the league last year, the Giants being the only team he beat that wasn't in the bottom of the league in defense. Toward the end of the season he looked like the same ole' Vick in the loss to the Vikings and especially in the playoffs to the Pack...both teams with good defenses. Time will tell, but I am glad to see Vick as the QB of the Eagles, he won't last long and his "resurgence" will cause them to trade the QB they should be hedging their future on, Kolb.
One thing I think is being overlooked in the McNabb-Vick-Young-Grossman/Beck comparison is the effect of the environment on QB performance.

Andy Reid is the example I'm going to use.

Andy Reid, IMO, has a knack, or skill, for getting the maximum performance out of a QB that may be among the best, if not the best, of any HC in the league. One reason for this, again IMO, is his flexibility in adapting his system to maximize the upside skills of a QB while simultaneously minimizing the downside deficiencies of that same QB. We probably saw with the Eagles the best Donovan McNabb that could be gotten and are seeing the same thing with Michael Vick. Not every HC has that ability-in fact I think few do.

The problem I have with bringing Young here has more to do with Mike Shanahan than it does with Young. Now there are a lot of things I really like about Shanahan but there are also some things I don't particularly like. One of these is his inflexibility. "My way or the highway" has an appeal in terms of establishing a disciplined environment but it also has limitations when dealing with talented but problematical players. We've already seen two examples, one of his own making (McNabb), the other he inhierited (Haynesworth). Neither of these was entirely Shanahan's fault but his inflexibility most likely closed him off from what might have been workable solutions-his approach seemed of the "pounding a square peg into a round hole" variety.

Jeff Fischer lost his job because of his inability to successfully incorporate Vince Young into the system in a consistently productive manner. Again, it wasn't all his fault but as HC he has to bear the result. Precisely why he wasn't able to do so I don't know. Young is definitely a "problem child" type of QB, but so is Vick although his problems aren't of the same variety. I would venture that if somehow Young were to wind up on the Eagles roster you would wind up seeing the best performing version of Vince Young that could be gotten-quite possible better than on any of the other 31 NFL teams.

This is why I question thew wisdom of bringing Young here. Shanahan doesn't, IMO, have the "knack" or flexibility to be able to successfully deal with and thus maximize the performance of a player that isn't already easily moldable, or coachable nor does his philosophy incorporate enough flexibility to "tweak" his system adequately to accomodate players like Young-or Vick-and bring out their maximum capabilities.
Good post Serv

In addition, this smacks just a little of the "Win now" mentality
I started hearing the rumors of our interest in VY last week. I don’t buy it. Don’t get me wrong I think Vince Young has talent and might be an asset…..somewhere. To Serv’s point; that place ain’t here.

The best place for Vince would be where there was some stability at other positions. To use Vick as an example again the Eagles were already a playoff team the two years before Vick took over, so there was a decent base there already. Here in Redskin land we don’t have a playoff experienced team to slot a young QB in to or the stability just about anywhere on the roster. So this would be a bad situation for VY and the Skins. Shanny and Allen have to know that too. I call BS.
The problem I have with bringing Young here has more to do with Mike Shanahan than it does with Young. Now there are a lot of things I really like about Shanahan but there are also some things I don't particularly like. One of these is his inflexibility. "My way or the highway" has an appeal in terms of establishing a disciplined environment but it also has limitations when dealing with talented but problematical players. We've already seen two examples, one of his own making (McNabb), the other he inhierited (Haynesworth). Neither of these was entirely Shanahan's fault but his inflexibility most likely closed him off from what might have been workable solutions-his approach seemed of the "pounding a square peg into a round hole" variety.
I agree that Shanny could stand to be a heck of a lot more flexible in his approach-to the X's and O's especially. However in his defense, as with any new manager I think Shanahan has really clamped down on the players at the outset in order to get a much needed change of culture started.

One can always start out as a hard ass and then loosen up a bit later. I think trying it the other way around is a recipe for mutiny.

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