The Douchebaggery of Daniel Snyder

Reading this makes me sick. The one trait that pisses me off more than anything is the arrogance of money.

The best, most successful companies use their employees best efforts to accomplish the common goal. People like Snyder, and their companies, can fool their clients/customers for a while, but eventually their greed dooms them. That's what Danny is seeing now and he doesn't understand it. Once these companies "use" everyone, their fate is sealed.

Maybe last year's search for a head coach, resulting in the hiring of Zorn, was an anomaly. Or it may be the beginning of the end for Danny's evil ways. Maybe he will search, fruitlessly, for the sexy new hire. But maybe, just maybe, he will get stood-up at the altar.

We can hope anyway.
Dan Snyder is indeed a major league asshole. There is no justification for treating people the way he does. With that said-

If we were a successful, winning franchise would anyone really give a crap?

The Skins were a LOSING team when Snyder bought it.

He did what so many are calling for today.

"Blow it up!"

Get the **** over it.
Well, in somewhat of Snyder's defense. The first bad taste this organization left in my mouth was the way Ritchie Petibone was treated, right after Gibbs left. This was before Snyder came here and it's been downhill ever since.
wow, I admit I always was a danny defender because he was willing to spend the cash to win he just didnt know how, but after reading that? now I think he needs some serious lessons in humility, but given our record since h took over hasnt done it I dont know what would lol.

and Sarge, sorry to hear about your mom, thats not cool.

The Skins were a LOSING team when Snyder bought it.

He did what so many are calling for today.

"Blow it up!"

Get the **** over it.

you're forgetting the start over part!
Between Boone's post about the bigwig and Sarge's copy of fax shows his attitude toward the fans and people in general. He wants the fans to love and worship him all the while he could care less about them.

sounds like Obama!!!!

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