Interesting... I already had a project for the offseason, I'm now wondering how this will change that...
thank you for sharing!
Wow. I'm impressed. I have a list of things to get done today that sits on my desk, and you have a list of things to do a month from now. Kudos.
I have notepad and Microsoft Office 2010 Starter, and the file wouldn't open at all in either of them, that's why I mentioned it. Free programs are readily available everywhere though so it's a non-issue, just takes some looking.csv files can be opened in any text editor including word, notepad, etc.
CSV is a file format that's good for using programming to break the data apart and import/export between different programs that display data in a table/spreadsheet sort of way (excel for example)
if you want a free office-like suite just use open office (google it). their spreadsheet program works enough like excel for you to get buy without buying the actual program. it's what I use on my computers when I don't have access to a free version of MS Office.
edit: serv - we should do something with this if you can come up with interesting things to analyze statistically I can break it apart really really easily using R
I wonder what it says about the "Swinging Gate".
ERROR: Does not Compute.
There is an area of data mining devoted to anomaly detection.
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