Music Recommendation Thread

Shoulda clarified, I like the beat. Redneck rap for sure but didn’t catch any of the supremacy in the lyrics. If so I definitely dont like it.

I’m always behind the times on pop culture but was wondering if you guys have heard of this “new” wave or not?
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That’s just sarcasm/ attempt at humor brother

And then she does it live:

This single got me to buy the whole album off Walmart. It's that me at least.
Seems like the best place to leave this. I had a tough few years. I had an even tougher 2021. I'll save the details, because they've already been spoken. I fought, I really fought. I won back the love of my children, and by accident I met the most amazing woman that has ever been a part of my life, and our journey has been amazing. I foolishly believed that previously having this virus would somehow protect me. It.aopears I may be wrong. Please protect yourselves, this variant is real. I wish I realized it sooner. I was.finally in a better place. I had another chance and I lost it. I had everything. I.went to hell and came back, and now I'm leaving the greatest woman I've ever known. Along with my kods. Don't.make my mi
stake, please don't.make my mistake. I thought.of.a song I haven't thought.aboit in a long time. The older heads will understand. God bless you all, and god speed. If you love your familyies.protext them.
Was listening to an old Nirvana song the other day...I have to say, they are one of the most over rated bands in history!
Yeah their lyrics on many of their songs make zero sense. They’re a good band imo but if you read the lyrics you’ll be left wondering wtf.
Was just listening to ‘Bleed it out’ by Lincoln Park & realized how it foreshadowed Chester’s suicide. I’m sure it was brought up before but struck me as pretty eerie.

‘Yeah, here we go for the hundredth time
Hand grenade pins in every line
Throw 'em up and let something shine
Going out of my fucking mind
Filthy mouth, no excuse
Find a new place to hang this noose
String me up from atop these roofs
Knot it tight so I won't get loose
Truth is you can stop and stare

Bled myself out and no one cares
Dug a trench out, laid down there
With a shovel up out of reach somewhere’

Ironic how the last post on this thread was almost a year ago, about Chester Bennington, and this song stumbled across my timeline.

This was a major pop influence for a while, and Bennington absolutely killed it....




Canadian Hog :oops:


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Another one introduced to me by TomSkinsFan

Mark Knoffler has such a signature style on the guitar, he is one of my all-time favorites.

I am an avid high-end high fidelity stereo guy. Dire Straits‘ song In the Gallery, from their self-titled debut album, is the single best studio recording that I have ever found to audition speakers. Master work from the producer and sound engineers.

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Making movies…. One of my favorite all-time albums
Watched the move "AIR" last night, the story about Nike and Jordan coming together.... GREAT movie... Soundtrack is LEGIT also.

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