Movie Rewatchability Scale

Hot Tub Time Machine earlier, now Jesus Christ Superstar.

What can I say? I'm well rounded :)
Say what you want, but I have to admit every spring when they air The Sound of Music, I usually sit down to watch it.

I got caught up in it again last night. It happens just about every year. The hills are alive... :anonymous:
I have to include Blue Chips on this list. Not a great movie by any stretch, but fun to watch for unintentional comedy purposes.
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I have a 'Dumb and Dumber' problem. Yeah - I know - pretty stupid movie. But it holds some kind of powerful, irresistible charm for me. I can't channel surf past it without watching at least for a little while.

'Just when I think you couldn't be any go and TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!!!'
I think I have posted this before, but Alien is on IFC right now. Damn fine movie. I keep switching over during commercials of the Bulls/Heat game.
"I would not say such things if I were you!"

"Anybody want a peanut?"

On Showtime right now.
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Just watched Full Metal Jacket this morning. I think that makes it an even trillion times I've seen it :D Hands down the greatest opening scene of any movie ever made, absolutely hilarious.

Oddly enough, once they ship off to Vietnam, I no longer have any interest in the movie. It sorta drops off like a rock once R. Lee Ermey gets killed.
E, I think that is a very popular sentiment with that movie, once they get to Viet Nam the movie does steer off a bit. Still, I recently watched it for the umpteenth time and in about a year or two will likely watch it again.
wait, you HAVE to love Animal Mutha. hands down one of the best characters in that movie.

"If im gonna get my balls blown off for a word, that word is going to be poontang"

No Mike, the quote that was made famous by Two Live Crew has to be the classic from that movie! And no! I won't repeat it here!
'Soldier! Do you know who's in charge here?'

Just watched True Grit with Bridges and Damon for the second time. Great Fathers Day gift!
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Tough road to remake a movie like 'True Grit'. You'll never equal the original. The Coen brothers did fine, but the hard truth is, if you're going to do a straight up re-make, with no surprises, pretty tough to do an original justice. I thought the remake was nothing more than well-produced.

Tonight I'm watching a pretty good flick - 'The Runaways' - with Dakota Fanning playing Cherie Curry, lead singer of Joan Jett's first all-girl band. It's very well done.
AMC is killing me. They're running Tombstone on one channel and Shawshank on the other. Keep flipping back and forth...
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Both definitely high on the rewatchability scale :)

I have never forgiven AMC for abandoning their commercial-free status. Boo!
Both definitely high on the rewatchability scale :)

I have never forgiven AMC for abandoning their commercial-free status. Boo!

Although I was never a huge fan of IFC, they did play some good independents at times. They just went with a commercial format too.
Watching Oceans 13 now. Flipping back and forth between that and Star Trek actually. Oceans movies are pretty fun, though the first was definitely the best, IMO.
I don't really know why, but 'Jeremiah Johnson' is one of these for me. I have seen it countless times, but I will watch it every chance I get (including right now). 'Little Big Man' is another one that I just love and will always keep on if I find it while channel surfing.

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