The rollout was bad, low energy, and just plain lazy.
I do wonder now that the new group has "embraced' the name, if they are going to really embrace it and do a refresh on things. We've heard they're going to do a little refresh on the uniforms. Hopefully they get rid of those awful white tops with the dumb as spots for numbers.
I think they can do a lot with the brand. Just because it hasn't been done, doesn't mean it can't be done.
I would also offer, they need a better logo than the W. That was CLEARLY the team trying to kindof stay Washington Football Team and change the name at the same time. Like they couldn't decide. So they went with the W as the logo and the Commanders as the name. The old logo and name aren't coming back. But they CAN change the logo. The Broncos a Patriots (and I'm sure others, but those two stick out) have both had radical changes to their logos.
I don't know what they would use as a "Commander" logo. (This was actually my biggest issue with the name, not the fact it was boring or you couldn't abbreviate it, but what the hell do you put on a helmet. Clearly they couldn't think of anything, so they picked a letter. Dumb.)