Josh Harris Speaks... Commanders is permanent name.

The logo isn't coming back. We need to stop. There's no way humanly possible to have the name 'Commanders' and that logo. It's not happening.

Too bad, it strikes me as one of the better ideas.

Maybe as a throwback? Somebody in the other thread was talking about the stages of grief. I wonder if this is denial or bargaining.
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The sad part about all of this is if we would have had a Chiefs vs Commanders super bowl, this would of been an epic dialogue on the subject and given a massive platform to hash out the case.
I disagree, feels like we’ve lost so much history already, don’t cut off the roots.

I have to agree.

one of the best fanbases in professional hockey resides in Motreal with the Canadiens. Their nickname 'The Habs' was based on a misinterpretation of the logo. Tradition and connection can come from almost anywhere.
I’m not sure there is any way to accurately survey the fanbase to determine the average feeling about the team name.

I think it’s fair to assume that the majority of die hards that were old enough to fully absorb the 3 Super Bowls for certain can’t stand the new name.

I think it’s probably fair to say that the kids of those die-hards care way less, and their grandkids DGAF at all.

Except the team DID survey the fanbase. They paid a consultant group to conduct the survey. 63% of fans wanted the name change on a survey the team paid for. I don't doubt that the % skews based on age. But that's the overall current number based on the team's own research.
Best nickname for the commanders is probably Srednammoc

Hmm... never noticed that commanders backwards has "redman" in it. Well, I'll be a walrus.

Way back when they did the reveal, Joe Theismann kept saying to “give it time” and “sit with it a while” like something would be revealed. Don’t know if this is what he meant, but it first occurred to me then that there was a sort of a Redskins anagram in the new name. I always assumed they must have done it on purpose, but I haven’t really heard anybody else comment on it.
🤦‍♂️, it’s not “red man”, it’s rednam, as in Gangnam

Style woot woot. Let’s goooooo. How about one of you artists with a dream throw some BG on Mr Psy for a brotha’
The rollout was bad, low energy, and just plain lazy.

I do wonder now that the new group has "embraced' the name, if they are going to really embrace it and do a refresh on things. We've heard they're going to do a little refresh on the uniforms. Hopefully they get rid of those awful white tops with the dumb as spots for numbers.

I think they can do a lot with the brand. Just because it hasn't been done, doesn't mean it can't be done.

I would also offer, they need a better logo than the W. That was CLEARLY the team trying to kindof stay Washington Football Team and change the name at the same time. Like they couldn't decide. So they went with the W as the logo and the Commanders as the name. The old logo and name aren't coming back. But they CAN change the logo. The Broncos a Patriots (and I'm sure others, but those two stick out) have both had radical changes to their logos.

I don't know what they would use as a "Commander" logo. (This was actually my biggest issue with the name, not the fact it was boring or you couldn't abbreviate it, but what the hell do you put on a helmet. Clearly they couldn't think of anything, so they picked a letter. Dumb.)

I agree about the rollout and the white jerseys, both hideous.

I think the letter W as a logo is not bad. W means win. I saw a fan doing a ‘W’ gesture with her hands, don’t know if that will catch on, but I’ve actually grown to like the helmets, especially the numbers on the back. A gold face mask might be better.

Other logo ideas, I like the gold ring as a piece of the past, as on the Commander's seal or some of the merch, maybe something like the Lombardi R but with a W. Nothing beats the old logo though.
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Jayden Daniels is and will (hopefully forever) be a Commander. I'm okay with that. They'll always be my stupid Commies, but if they win, it's the lovable kind of stupid.

I've come to terms with the taco holder too. I don't love it, but I don't think there is anything else that can represent the team. But the same can be said of the Packers too. It's just the way it goes.
I will live with the name choice. No choice. But I wish/hope they stop the unforced errors. Like changing the rhythm of the fight song. Like putting patches based on years and not seasons.

Our 100th anniversary season is 2031. Based on the past they will slap a patch on the jersey in 2032.

Fix stuff like that. Get the uniform back to our old ones and fully embrace our history. Don’t airbrush our old name and logo when honoring our past.

These things will go a long way for me.

Also it was mentioned earlier and I agree, if/when this team wins a Super Bowl as the Commanders, that name will earn its place in our history………even though it does suck :)
If you are trying to start a campaign, then please publicly say what mechanism you are using to write to him - how exactly you will do it. The best way for it to have a chance at working is probably if everyone uses the same one... I think.
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe people should use different avenues to spread it out, but I think a focus on the same one (hopefully highly utilized) would probably be the most impactful technique.

The first of many emails today.

Then a polite letter via snail mail. Harris is a year older than me and grew up a mile or two from my neighborhood. He remembers the R logo more than I do. I will remind him that he can use that and rename the team. I will not use the word stupid although it is justified in this case.
Wholly unscientific, but over 2100 people voted in this poll. Winning heals all wounds.

Screen grab of the results:
After thinking about this a little, one of the things that it suggests to me is that while Josh Harris may have grown up a diehard fan...for the last 25yrs he's been no more than a casual.

Which is fine, but I did hope we were getting someone with a more authentic connection to the fanbase.

Sticking fans with Snyders trash, literally forever, because you had a single good year of jersey sales on the back of JD5 is just stupid. Those jerseys sold because of JD5, not some sudden acceptance of maybe the worst name in pro sports.
After thinking about this a little, one of the things that it suggests to me is that while Josh Harris may have grown up a diehard fan...for the last 25yrs he's been no more than a casual.

Which is fine, but I did hope we were getting someone with a more authentic connection to the fanbase.

Sticking fans with Snyders trash, literally forever, because you had a single good year of jersey sales on the back of JD5 is just stupid. Those jerseys sold because of JD5, not some sudden acceptance of maybe the worst name in pro sports.
Snyder was a fan growing up, went to games, had a belt buckle. Harris is definitely all in on this team. I have been more than impressed with his stewardship so far.
I think much of the explanation is the bond that everybody has at Redskins Park. The vast majority of people there are from out of town. They see themselves as Commanders and they are happy. There is camaraderie as Commanders and ownership sees this. As Fred Smoot said, nobody cares.
Someone mentioned the 100th Anniversary. That's the one part of this that bugs me. I'm fine with us turning the page, but there will not have been 100 years of football in Washington and there will not have been 100 years of Commanders football. So, I would rather us honor the past when appropriate separately from the Commanders.

Put Ricky Sanders up in the Ring of Fame, but wearing a Redskins Helmet. Celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Redskins first Superbowl win, but not call it a Commander's trophy. Yes, I do want to bring in the old players and keep them involved. Love seeing Art and Gary and Joe and Jeff and Donnie and Charles and Neil and all the rest, but remember them as Redskins and start the record books anew if you want to cite Commanders records.
The name was never going to change back. It’s a nightmare to rebrand everything multiple times in a few years, and then rebrand again after a successful season and get some folks, who didn’t like the name, to turn on the franchise again.

It was always a pipe dream.

I do expect uniforms, helmets and logos to be creatively changed/alternates emerging, though.

But the Redskins have been gone for years and aren’t coming back.

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