Josh Harris Speaks... Commanders is permanent name.

I’m not sure there is any way to accurately survey the fanbase to determine the average feeling about the team name.

I think it’s fair to assume that the majority of die hards that were old enough to fully absorb the 3 Super Bowls for certain can’t stand the new name.

I think it’s probably fair to say that the kids of those die-hards care way less, and their grandkids DGAF at all.
I’m not sure there is any way to accurately survey the fanbase to determine the average feeling about the team name.

I think it’s fair to assume that the majority of die hards that were old enough to fully absorb the 3 Super Bowls for certain can’t stand the new name.

I think it’s probably fair to say that the kids of those die-hards care way less, and their grandkids DGAF at all.

Lot of truth here.

I also found this article. Read it and then read it again. I had no idea the numbers had gone that high.

According to a spokesman for NFL retail giant Fanatics, the Commanders are the NFL’s top-selling team on the platform since the playoffs began. That same spokesman revealed that Daniels himself has accounted for the most jersey sales across all sports since the start of the 2024 NFL season.

And it doesn’t stop there.

Jamie Mottram, president of the sports apparel company BreakingT, announced that sales of Washington football products were up by a massive 463% since last season. More incredible still, merchandise sales have been up 4,129% year on year since the team clinched a playoff spot in December.
I’ve observed the insanity for way out in Frederick at Dick’s. They don’t normally carry a ton of team sports apparel, but what they do have his historically is majority Ravens. It even started that way this season. A very small rack of Commanders gear. Week by week it grew, until before the NFCC- there were folks scavenging for anything left they could find with the taco holder W on it. Even those big hats that cost $130.

Winning changes everything.
I’ve observed the insanity for way out in Frederick at Dick’s. They don’t normally carry a ton of team sports apparel, but what they do have his historically is majority Ravens. It even started that way this season. A very small rack of Commanders gear. Week by week it grew, until before the NFCC- there were folks scavenging for anything left they could find with the taco holder W on it. Even those big hats that cost $130.

Winning changes everything.

Winning seasons come and go, dynasties come and go, but I would not trade this 14-win season as the Commanders with a taco holder logo for a 4-win season as the Wolves.

We will have bad seasons as the Commanders. Hopefully not for a while, but they will occur. As long as we can avoid being shitty for most of a quarter century again, we will be ok in the long run.
As others have said, for those who reject Commanders it is easy to say Washington. Heck, that's what I did before I was asked to handle Bluesky for the board. On a slightly sad note, doing social media for the board forced me to type about the C word dozens of times and now I'm completely neutral on it. I think it had the opposite effect on Boone. I see him growing bitter with each iteration ;)
So I guess the new phrase "Take Command" is here to stay. So let it be written so let be done
The lamest part of the name and #TakeCommand may be that they lifted it straight from a defunct AAF team...because Synder was cheap and lazy


It's a BUMMER. I wish it wasnt the case. I totally understand that after going through the incredible season we just went through it would make it a lot tougher to move on from this name.
I'd still make the move, but I get why they wouldnt. Amongst my friends and family I still call them the skins or redskins. Hope we can heal from this soon.
The lamest part of the name and #TakeCommand may be that they lifted it straight from a defunct AAF team...because Synder was cheap and lazy

View attachment 9518

It was either that or steal "The Body of Christ Commands you!!!!" from the Exorcist, which may have been a copyright issue
its unfortunate that whole thing happened under Dan.

Kids and new fans will create the same bonds with the commanders that we have over the years though. Youve got to get over it...still Washington...still BnG. Just a mascot
The lamest part of the name and #TakeCommand may be that they lifted it straight from a defunct AAF team...because Synder was cheap and lazy

View attachment 9518

As I look at their logo again, why not go ahead and incorporate the shield into the logo as well. I would imagine they own the whole thing.

Put the W on the shield with…

crossed spears.
As someone who still calls them the Redskins the same as I have for forty years, I’m surprised to be saying this, but the Commanders name has grown on me some. I may even like it in time, but the gloating from the people who hate the old name (not so much here, but elsewhere online) is not helping.

The hardest part is feeling like we’ve lost our history. I’ve seen them censor the old name and logo on TV, and it feels wrong to call the players and coaches of the past Commanders.

It would go a long way if they could fix the things that are disconnected from our past. Black is not one of our team colors. The white jerseys look like they belong to the Cardinals or Falcons not the Burgundy and Gold. They ruined the fight song by replacing “Braves on the Warpath” with “Fight for our Commanders” and muddling the old tune.

I have some hope they will do more to show pride in our heritage. The burgundy jersey and gold pants combo they wore at home this year is the most in line with our history and easily our best look. They did that exhibit about the old logo. They are trying to bring old coaches and players around. I was really starting to believe the new owners get it, though that belief is harder to hold today.
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A contrary thought. Dan did us a favor by changing the name. This comes with the proviso that the name had to change. If the name had to change then it's great that Dan played the role of the villain because we already hated him. If Harris came in and decided that Redskins couldn't be a name for a 21st Century team then it would have done so much damage even Jayden's rookie season might not have been enough to halt the fan revolt. Further, if Harris killed the name and replaced it with Warriors or Redwolves or something else that most say they might have been okay with... that name would have been pilloried and the fanbase would do its best to run Josh out of town.

So, from one perspective, Dan did the team a solid by assuming the role of villain and then twirling his moustache by saddling us with this awful name.
Ha! Nice.

No, it just doesn't matter to me that much any more. Man, in the summer of 2020, I was going to fight the good fight, and never buy anything other than Redskins gear, and never call them anything but the Redskins...but I'm old, it's too exhausting, my 13-year old son is completely on board with the Commanders, and at the end of the day, I just want my football team to be good. Damn good. Like when they were "the model franchise for the league" good.

I don't fault any of you for being bummed. But I'm fine with it, and just ready for what's next.
My kids are all in too. My 13 year old son wanted a JD5 jersey for his birthday. My 10 year old daughter asked for her very first jersey ever - a TM17 after she got to see the last second victory in Dallas in person. What was I gonna do? Say no, we can’t have a Commanders jersey because the name is garbage and DS’s last sin as the worst owner in sports?

My kids are finally excited about this franchise. Finally excited about the old man’s team formerly known as the Redskins. The name will forever suck and DS’s final urination on all of us. But this magical season sealed the deal.

Still, this announcement sucks because that tiny flicker of hope, dies.
Oh for the love of God, this is madness. Everybody start writing Harris and tell him Commanders is lame.

Think it won't work? It was not too long ago that a small, but very vocal minority forced a grand old franchise to ditch its beloved name.

I would think we reasonable fans could do just as well.

I will be writing him tomorrow. Join me.
My 8 year old and 5 year old get so excited when they see the "W" on TV. My brother in Law came over who is a Ravens fan and jokingly asked them if they loved the Ravens, to which they responded "No, only the Redskins, and the COMMANDERS!!!!"

On some level, nothing other than Redskins will ever be good enough. It's always settling. It's never been my favorite choice, but I'm still going to root for this team. There were about 3 options of team name that would have made me seriously consider walking away, and Commanders wasn't one of them. The bandaid has been ripped off the arm, and there's a patch of missing hair and some irritated skin at this point. The irritation will subside, and the hair will grow back, just gonna take some time.

BTW, nobody is wrong with how they are feeling, or how they have been feeling for the last 5 years while this has been going on. Love the new name, accept the name, hate the name, indifferent, whatever.....

Still glad we made it to the NFC Championship game :)
Oh for the love of God, this is madness. Everybody start writing Harris and tell him Commanders is lame.

Think it won't work? It was not too long ago that a small, but very vocal minority forced a grand old franchise to ditch its beloved name.

I would think we reasonable fans could do just as well.

I will be writing him tomorrow. Join me.
If you are trying to start a campaign, then please publicly say what mechanism you are using to write to him - how exactly you will do it. The best way for it to have a chance at working is probably if everyone uses the same one... I think.
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe people should use different avenues to spread it out, but I think a focus on the same one (hopefully highly utilized) would probably be the most impactful technique.

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