I don't know if it's my dad's philosophy drilled into me, or having had the privilege of living through successful years, or just knowing that football is really what I live for (no pity please), while I totally understand the mentality going on with some fans right now and in fact, I actually agree with some with regards to the organization, I just can't "give up" watching my team. The Redskins have been my team since, literally, before I was born. My dad was at the infamous "Pearl Harbor Game" and I grew up knowing that story. Am I as avid as I once was? No. Time, and age, and even health to a point, have taken over to a point. There was a time when I had to be at the stadium; when I moved to West Virginia, I gave up half the games and that was tough initially. This year we gave up our season tickets.... not because of the team's performance but because of money. And to be honest, while I'd still love to attend an occasional game, I love being in chat with the folks here during games more than I love driving to Maryland for a quick weekend to attend a game. While at the games, I almost enjoy the tailgating more than sitting in the stands. So I guess that means I've finally "matured" <grin>... but nevertheless. I agree with Boone with regards to the game yesterday. The team really buiilt up hope the first half. Even the fluke play a the end of the half didn't dim my optimism, but I felt it going downhill quickly the second half. I didn't WANT to feel it, but my intellect took over. Bottom line, I owe the Redskins a lot in my life... memories with my dad, meeting my husband.. and I guess for that I feel I owe them the loyalty I have always given them. They're my team, win or lose... now on to Seattle. It's going to be another tough NFC game. Hopefully we can put some healthier bodies on the field.
Sorry to babble. One other thing I've noticed over time is that a loss on Sunday doesn't totally decimate me for the week like it did when I was a younger fan. Yes I'm still disappointed and I'm not really looking forward to work tonight as my supervisor is a Dallas fan, but to give him credit, he's been a Dallas fan his entire life. not unlike my fandom in mine, so I can respect that. I know he won't give me a hard time.
Come on peeps... we may dislike the organization (still wish Snyder never got this team), but the players that take the field every week deserve our support. They don't have control over the "organization"... most, if not all, of those players play their hearts out every week and deserve the support that only the fan base can give.
End of vent/rant/whatever you want to call what I just wrote. lI'm going to post this before I erase it all for fear you all will think I'm insane