Donovan McNabb Running his Bitter Betty Mouth Again

The Redskins seem saddled with these little bitches like McNabb and Portis that are clearly done and yet they remain out there talking about how they were done wrong.

Maybe they can form a support group like they have for divorcees.
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He's delusional.

This entire 3 year episode with him is very fitting to me. He was the only Eagles player I actually respected. Figures he'd find a way to screw that up before finally retiring.

yup. and let us not forget...he cashed all his checks along the way!
at least Portis was a good player for his whole carreer, as mouthy as he was he busted ass on the field and did whatever he was asked to do, Mcrapp wouldnt wear an armband even though he was too dumb to learn the damn playbook. He has been one of the most overrated qbs in the NFL his entire Career. he had ONE superior year, the rest were decent to average to below average.
Well, he has been spewing a lot of bull **** lately. Not sure it's 20 lbs worth, but it could be...
Deion is probably one of the few former "Redskins" I hate more than McNabb, but this was pretty funny, seeing him laugh in McNabb's face.

i'm able to separate deon the guy working for NFL network from deon the player.

i actually like him on nfl network :)
Deion is one of the biggest reasons we have the "me first" attitudes in the league.
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I'll second that... biggest whore the league has seen, with butterworth in a close second .
Minny, thanks for the trade of McNabb for Alfred Morris, we appreciate it.
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Minny, thanks for the trade of McNabb for Alfred Morris, we appreciate it.
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yeah, I didn't even think about that. We get a starting RB and they got nothin'.

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