BGO Feature of the Week: The NFL Spy


The Commissioner
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Apr 11, 2009
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Greensboro, NC
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This week's Feature of the Week is the BGO NFL Spy. Our NFL Spy feature puts every official NFL Team Site and leading fan messageboard at your fingertips. There's no need to hunt, search, or google to find a place to listen in on this week's opposition. Just click on the dropdown menu, and you're there in an instant.

Wanna see your Redskins through the eyes of the opposition? It's easy.

Just visit the enemy :)

I hope you'll give this a look. For instance, visit the Texans team site for their official party line, or better yet, check out a major Texans independent fan site, Texans to put your finger on the real pulse of their fans.

Here they are discussing this weekend's opponent :)
I keep forgetting about this feature and I work here! Thanks for the reminder there, Boone.
Pretty intelligent board if you take the time to poke around.
Just kidding around, Pravda. :) I'll still be doing my visiting to other team fan sites-some of the ones I visit aren't linked to in NFL Spy anyway, including that Packer site I visit. I'll check on the other links and let you know if any are malfunctioning.

One exception though-don't ask me to visit Cowboy fan sites because I don't go there. It's not good for my laptop to pour disinfectant all over it.
All I can do with it is move the box around.

Click on the drop down menu - nothing.
Click on 'Visit the Enemy' - nothing.
Don't know what might be causing that Aussie. Haven't heard anyone else with issues... what browser are you using?
Don't know what might be causing that Aussie. Haven't heard anyone else with issues... what browser are you using?

Actually Boone, I was having the same issue. I was using Mozilla, but switched to Chrome. I have the issue with Chrome, but I think I tried it with Firefox, as well, before I switched.
Not sure why that is, gents. It's working fine for me in IE, Firefox, Chrome and Opera. I've checked the "permissions" and it's set up for full access to all usergroups. We'll keep looking for answers though...sorry for the glitch and please bear with us.
I don't think the box in Boone's OP is supposed to be usable, gents, but I could be wrong. Try the one on the Home Page, it is halfway down on the left hand column, and let me know if that one works or not.
The box in this thread is just an screen-capture if that's what folks are referencing...

The NFL Spy feature is on the homepage...
That would be the problem then! Maybe some sort of indication that the box in the OP is just for display purposes only, so as to avoid any confusion later on.
Taking a look at their forum. Nice place. One thing is certain - they know their football and discuss things in a calm and rational manner. I can respect that and the way they analyze a game. Props to the fans at that site.

I really like this feature. Just wait 'til we get to our division rivals. Thinking it won't be as nice or respectful. :blush:
Yeah - I was impressed with the tone and intelligent discussion there as well.
LOL @ people clicking on the picture in Boone's OP. Not trying to be mean, but come on guys, that's funny right there. Its like the classic desktop screenshot prank.

(EDIT: not gonna lie, I clicked it too :D)
Lesson learned. I'm the one to put it there. And why wouldn't they click? Every other damn thing on this site does something when clicked :)

The most amusing part of it is that we were getting ready to do major investigation on 'the glitch'. Thank God for Neophyte who was smart enough to connect the dots.

Too funny...
My face is in my palm right now! Ugh! Lanky!!! I am so glad I can laugh at myself today!

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