game time

  1. Game Time Power Rankings Week 9 Bye

    Redskins offense VS Redskins practice squad defense - If you break it down Coach Shanahan will continue stressing running the football, with success this again will open up the passing game. The Redskins will start D Mcnabb at QB (hopefully not hampered by hamstring injury or R Grossman could...
  2. Game Time Power Rankings Week 4 Cardinals

    Redskins offense VS Cardinals defense - If you break it down Coach Shanahan will continue stressing running the football, with success this again will open up the passing game. The Redskins will start R Grossman at QB, also switching gears with R Torain 1st team RB. The offensive line is set and...
  3. Game Time Power Rankings Week 3 Jets

    Redskins offense VS Jets defense - If you break it down Coach Shanahan will continue stressing running the football, with success this again will open up the passing game. The Redskins will start R Grossman at QB, also switching gears with W Parker 1st team RB. The offensive line is set and...
  4. Game Time Power Rankings Week 2 Ravens

    Redskins offense VS Ravens defense - If you break it down Coach Shanahan will continue stressing running the football, with success this again will opening up the passing game. The Redskins talented offensive line is set and will focus on fundamentals, I'm confident although preseason nothing...
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