Your Superbowl Sunday

Enjoying a Vienna Lager from Devil's Backbone in my new Redskins beer glass. The woman is making food. Life is good.

Don't know if anyone knows this or not, but were you aware that the Seahawks fans are loud? Yeah, me neither. Thank God for Joe Buck reminding me.
Well, I worked most of the day. Went to do some promo photos with my boss, picked the boy up from my ssiter's house and hung out with them for a while, went grocery shopping, made the boy dinner, edited images and made some virtual tours for work.

I had no interest watching the likes of Pete Carroll, Richard Sherman, but especially Golden Tate win the SB. I really thought Manning would be able to chew them up, but I forgot how he likes to choke in the big ones.
I took the family out for a long overdue dinner to celebrate my wife's and daughter's birthdays and my new job. It was nice and empty. Then we watched the second quarter of the game before turning it off. Then I read myself to sleep.

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