You say it now, but you're a liar


The Owner's Favorite
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Joe Gibbs Club Member
Jul 16, 2011
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So, I've read thread after thread during the strike and offseason about how you'll be happy if the Redskins tank or if they win 4 games. You're lying. You say that now, but in the heat of every individual game you'll want to win. You'll be angry and disappointed if we lose. That frustration will grow more profound with each loss and you'll invent new names for Daniel Snyder and roar in hatred of Haslett, Shanny and his son. We're wired to compete... even when we do so by proxy.

So, stop lying to yourself. Losing begets losing. Winning begets winning and a silent stadium versus a loud one does make a difference. Now, I get the weight that 20 years of disappointment can put on you and I understand how some might want to use cynicism as a defense mechanism, but in a few short weeks you won't see this season as an opening gambit sacrifice. You'll see it as football and every drop, missed tackle, blown penalty will matter. You'll see the missed receivers and cry. You'll agonize over dropped coverages.

Maybe at the end of the season, you'll return to this POV and be glad that you're "winning" the draft race if we do really poorly, but honestly, that's not the race you want to start the season competing for.

This has been a public service announcement. Each minute 1,000 Americans are afflicted with self-deceit. It is a crisis that all too often goes unspoken and untreated.

(Note: This may be more of an ES thread as I've just started combing these woods, but I thought it a sentiment worth sharing nontheless)
Of course everyone WANTS to win, but after 12 years of the danny destroying this team, it's expected that we lose.

With Shanny here, we may still lose, but at least you can see the beginnings of a rebuild. I can still deal with losing if I can see some progress, and I'm hoping that is what is going to happen.
I'm on the same boat, Sarge. Over at ES there is a healthy contingent rooting for mass losses because they want to draft a top QB next year. Maybe that hasn't infected folks over here.
I don't think you'll have to "root" for a mass of loses this year. We're going to come in last in the NFC East. Too much change (at last), too many new/ young faces and a turn over machine disguised as a QB

Now , whether we'll suck enough to get luck, who knows, but I think we'll be in the running without trying real hard
The comfort that I have is that Shanahan has a plan to land a top notch QB in the draft of 2012 but I doubt his ego will allow him to think he is going to lost in 2011. They drafted twelve guys this past year and brought a lot of free agents. I think we win eight games this season and I do believe Shanahan and Allen will morgage 2012 for one pick and that will be our QB of the future. But I think you are right I take ever loss like a death in the family I would not be alright with losing.
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I think this season, people that have complained about him for so long will finally realize just how great Carlos was for us. Sure, he drops a lot of potential interceptions, but he rarely ever missed coverage either.

INTs are important, but it's just as important to have a guy that nobody can throw at. I'm not saying he was worth the money he wanted, but he's worth close to it.
But I think you are right I take ever loss like a death in the family I would not be alright with losing.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device

See, about four years ago, I quit that. I quit living and dying with every win and loss, quit screaming at the TV. Having seen the danny bring this franchise to it's knees for the past twelve years, I basically just quit caring. I quit buying Skins stuff because I didn't want another dime to go to enabling the danny and his clueless ways. Gave up the season tickets that I waited twelve years to get for the same reason.

Basically, I care very,very little about he skins anymore. Oh sure I come here and chat, I keep up on who comes and goes, but twenty years of losing has put me off

I hope that turns around not for the danny, but for the fans, especially ones like me that lived through the glory days of the 80's and early 90's and have put up with this sorry assed excuse for a pro football organization for a long time now

We'll see
To me, it's down right scary people that are fans have that point of view. It's as if people have been programed to expect to loose, and I agree it's not a good way to go about righting the ship.

Everything happens in cycles, and maybe it's our turn to have things go right. I don't expect us to be last in the NF East come seasons end because anything can happen in a season. People act as if it's predetermined... it's a gimmie. Not in my book.

Sure, we need a QB to lead this team for a decade or so, but maybe, just maybe, one of our current QB's will emerge as the tweener able to keep us moving forward while we find and groom "the man" of the future without reaching for yet another tweener, and wasting picks in a trade.

Maybe that bolt of lightning will strike, and our team will come together faster then any one could ask for. Most will stake their reputations on it not happening because of past history.

That was then... maybe it's our time.

Play to win, or don't play at all.
We should at least be competing for a playoff spot this year. I mean, we beat the damn StuporBowel champ, we should be able to do that....
Too many holes, and they are holes in key spots, however on the bright side, after wasting one season and making some massive missteps, Shanny appears to be finally trying to build a foundation, something we havent done since gibbs one. sadly he is still being an idiot about the Oline and the defence. I think we are lucky to win 4 maybe 5 games this year but next year we had damn well better get a QB and OLine, we should have gone all out for an oline this year so that its in place for the next QB.
As Ish said in another thread - you cannot look at this team and think that the Shanahans & Allen aren't planning for the 2012 draft. Rex Grossman & John Beck are the two best options at QB? Really? This is year two of a rebuild, make no mistake about it. Last year they attempted to stay competitive by bringing in McNabb, but it didn't work. I think Shanahan sat down with Snyder and said "Look, this year is gonna be painful." And it will be.

Will I be screaming & cursing at the TV when they aren't winning? Of course I will - but I will also be rooting for signs of improvement, as well as signs of fight. Do you remember Zorn's last year? The players didn't give two ****s by week 10; it was obvious they were mailing it in. Shanahan has brought in high-character guys, high-motor guys (as he describes them, "self-starters") and gotten rid of the distractions. Its a culture change, and it ain't gonna happen overnight.
I don't expect the Redskins to finish poorly enough to be in the Andrew Luck sweepstakes even with Beck or Grossman at qb.

Look at how poorly this team finished overall in offense and defense in 2010 and the club was still left picking #10.

And if Carlos Rogers had made a couple of key interceptions that were in his hands the Skins could have been picking in the early teens.

That's why I am still in favor of dealing for Kyle Orton if the Broncos are foolish enough to give up a proven passer under 30 to start a college phenom like Tebow.
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Man, Kyle Orton? Scraping the bottom of the barrel!
Too many holes, and they are holes in key spots, however on the bright side, after wasting one season and making some massive missteps, Shanny appears to be finally trying to build a foundation, something we havent done since gibbs one. sadly he is still being an idiot about the Oline and the defence. I think we are lucky to win 4 maybe 5 games this year but next year we had damn well better get a QB and OLine, we should have gone all out for an oline this year so that its in place for the next QB.

I think our line is 20% better without even taking a snap in a game due to the removal of Casey at center. Adding in Chester, who is suited to the zone blocking system Shanny runs has to count for something I would think. Williams in his second season is another positive, as he's in better condition, and has a year under his belt. Brown is the biggest question. If he can play up to his potential we're not so bad off. If all the starters stay healthy, we could have a fairly solid line buy mid season.
Shanahan isn’t going to be able to coach to lose any more than we can root for them to lose. “Luck Logic” be damned, once the whistle blows this team is going to do their best to win games and I think we’ll be more competitive than some folks think. There aren’t a lot of dominant teams in the NFL anyway.

I try to put a positive spin on most of what this team does. Yeah, I’m a homer. What’s it to ya?!?!?! No way can I even secretly hope the team loses for the sake of a draft pick, regardless of who it is. In a weak class this year six QBs were taken in the top 36 picks. Regardless of where we pick we are going to have options.
I don't think anyone(player/coach) makes it to this level and goes into the season expecting failure, just doesn't happen.
The Redskins are in rebuild mode. 10+ losses should be expected.

That doesn't mean we should hope for them, just not be surprised when they happen.

I can forgive a 10-loss season if I see it as part of an overall plan. In 1994 we lost 13 games, but I understood why and accepted it. In 2004 we lost 10 and I accepted that as well. This will be a season like those.

It's the bad seasons that are not part a coherent plan, like say, last year when we traded picks for a 33 year-old franchise QB with no young prospect behind him, that I have trouble forgiving.
That doesn't mean we should hope for them, just not be surprised when they happen.

I think that's almost exactly where I stand. Do I expect the team to be a great team and compete for the Superbowl this year? Not really. Am I hoping that they do really badly? Never. I will cheer every win and bemoan every loss and if at the end of the season it winds up that we are in the running for a top pick so be it, but I don't want to ever see the team give up fighting.

Henry said:
I can forgive a 10-loss season if I see it as part of an overall plan. In 1994 we lost 13 games, but I understood why and accepted it. In 2004 we lost 10 and I accepted that as well. This will be a season like those.

Yup. Pretty much.
I don't think you'll have to "root" for a mass of loses this year. We're going to come in last in the NFC East. Too much change (at last), too many new/ young faces and a turn over machine disguised as a QB

Now , whether we'll suck enough to get luck, who knows, but I think we'll be in the running without trying real hard

hey...let's put a positive spin on this: I'll be pulling for the Bills, Panthers, Browns, Lions, Boys, Raiders, win as many games as possible!

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