What day is today....... ?

Miles Monroe

The Owner's Favorite
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Joe Gibbs Club Member
Jul 15, 2009
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Cape Coral Fl
I'm kind of taken back that even in this fledgling community, not a single person has mentioned the tragedies of 9-11 here.

Oh I still remember. I figured it caused me an extra 90,000 miles of travel to parts of the world that I never want to see again, as well as a good year and an half of deployment time.

I pray the families that were affected can get past it one day.

And since I promised to be a good boy here,I won't go into other aspects :)
I think most people have internalized it Pete. The national media no longer shoves our face in it as if we'd otherwise forget it. I don't believe for a second that anyone, anywhere, who was grown-up enough that day to be self-aware could ever forget it. I couldn't watch a 1/2 hour special on 9/11 without shedding a tear. I doubt any of us could.

IMHO - it doesn't require comment anymore. What was done that day was pure evil. And those that had a hand in it were evil-doers. I hope every one of them is dead now, but I suspect many still walk and talk and breathe. They have to either live with what they did, or someday will be held accountable. I believe that.

I think more and worry more about future shocking events' to come. We're far too complacent, and our President with his 'feel good' platitudes and general mindset that if only we're nice to the rest of the world and apologize for ever offending anyone, we'll be left alone, is well-intentioned, but extremely naive. Our enemies in the world don't like his US government any more than the previous twenty. I hope we're being watchful. Because the next go-round won't involve airplanes, it'll involve smallpox, or a nuclear weapon.
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I think most people have internalized it Pete. The national media no longer shoves our face in it as if we'd otherwise forget it. I don't believe for a second that anyone, anywhere, who was grown-up enough that day to be self-aware could ever forget it. I couldn't watch a 1/2 hour special on 9/11 without shedding a tear. I doubt any of us could.

IMHO - it doesn't require comment anymore. What was done that day was pure evil. And those that had a hand in it were evil-doers. I hope every one of them is dead now, but I suspect many still walk and talk and breathe. They have to either live with what they did, or someday will be held accountable. I believe that.

I think more and worry more about future shocking events' to come. We're far too complacent, and our President with his 'feel good' platitudes and general mindset that if only we're nice to the rest of the world and apologize for ever offending anyone, we'll be left alone, is well-intentioned, but extremely naive. Our enemies in the world don't like his US government any more than the previous twenty. I hope we're being watchful. Because the next go-round won't involve airplanes, it'll involve smallpox, or a nuclear weapon.

All good points, and well taken bro.
I went to bed on Thursday night/Friday morning around 1:30. Before I did I posted on my Facebook account, "Brian remembers..." in reference to the day.

It sickened me to wake up Friday to several comments like: "When you had hair" or "Your pants size" or "Who your friends are".

Only one person replied that they liked my status. It was disheartening to say the least.

I am not sure it is something that does not need to be verbalized. I think every single American needs to acknowledge that Muslims Extremists killed ~3,000 people that day and if we are not on guard they will attempt it again! We must remember and I couldn't agree with you more Boone. It does not matter what President is in office, whatever his leanings, they are out to kill us! Every single one of us if given the chance and no amount of diplomacy matters.

I may not have said it here, but much of my day was spent remembering. I will always remember and I don't have a bumper sticker to remind me!
I went to bed on Thursday night/Friday morning around 1:30. Before I did I posted on my Facebook account, "Brian remembers..." in reference to the day.

It sickened me to wake up Friday to several comments like: "When you had hair" or "Your pants size" or "Who your friends are".

Only one person replied that they liked my status. It was disheartening to say the least.

It sickened you that your friends didn't get your status message because you were so vague?

I am sure if you were not so vague in your status message, people would not have responded with "silly" comments. Mine was "9/11...always remember"... if I had just put up what you did, I would have gotten silly comments, too. It's not because people don't care, it's that they didn't get what you wrote. They didn't know you were referencing to the day.
It's not because people don't care, it's that they didn't get what you wrote. They didn't know you were referencing to the day.

Or maybe the day doesn't carry relevence to them as much anymore:(
Miss U, I respect your opinion greatly, but in this situation I am going to have to disagree. It was September 11! do I need to repeat? September 11! Everyone in this country should know exactly what I was talking about when I say something as seemingly vague as "...remembers..."

I feel it was poignant. And I feel it was more indicative of the attitudes of many in this nation.
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