Was it a Block in the Back?


The Commissioner
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Alma Mater
Florida State
Hey guys, I was at the game today and didn't get a chance to see the replay. On the TD by Banks that was called back, was there a penalty? Was there really a block in the back?
IMO, it was iffy, but probably legit. If they were gonna call it that closely, I wish they would have called some of the holds when we were on D (broken record much?). It coulda been called, but a lot of penalties against them could have been called too.
Hey guys, I was at the game today and didn't get a chance to see the replay. On the TD by Banks that was called back, was there a penalty? Was there really a block in the back?

I'd term it as marginal, or a weak call at best. He could have missed the block, and the play would have had the same result IMO, and that's the really sad part.
I'd term it as marginal, or a weak call at best. He could have missed the block, and the play would have had the same result IMO, and that's the really sad part.

Sometimes I feel they should over look the close ones like that if it didn't affect the game. That is a scenario I like about refereeing soccer, there are certain calls you can over look when it doesn't affect the play.

I'll tell you guys what. When that was called back, the electricity in the air was sucked out. That stadium was rocking. It was left on the field on that play, at that point I knew it was over!
I thought it was a legit call but I have to agree that it did not impact the play. Banks was level or just past the defender at that point and that guy was out of it.
The penalty was committed, the fact it had no bearing on the outcome just makes it sting more.
I don't think there is any doubt that it was a block in the back. The thing is, it was unnecessary. That is what hurts the most. Also, that was Riley's second block in the back of the game. He did not learn after the first one and his second one really cost us.
It was a good call, and I don't think it's reasonable in the heat of the moment to expect an official not to call it. The fact that it didn't effect the outcome of the play is as good an argument for not committing the block as it is for why it shouldn't have been called.

It's the little things people. We left a lot of points out there today. Good teams don't do that.
I don't think there is any doubt that it was a block in the back. The thing is, it was unnecessary. That is what hurts the most. Also, that was Riley's second block in the back of the game. He did not learn after the first one and his second one really cost us.

And I lost a little respect for Danny Smith today (and this is probably why he'll never be more than a special teams coach) as he was 'consoling' Riley and telling him it was all right. In my mind - it WASN'T all right. It cost us the effing game.

Not that I don't feel bad for the guy - but not as bad as I feel about another avoidable loss.
I find it interesting how many calls/non calls Brandon Banks was around or involved in today. The two blocks in the back by Riley, the mugging Banks took on the screen pass and the massive face mask he recieved.

I saw that as well Boone. I see that a lot in todays football by both coaches and players. If he was my teammate, I would have a hard time talking to him.
If we are bitching about the refs :D the (non) call that ticked me off was the brutal helmet to helmet hit on defenseless Armstrong. Maybe they didn't call it because that tough SOB made the catch, but then they FLAGGED HIM for getting up and spiking the ball.

Good grief. Not complaining because of how it may or may not have affected the outcome of the game, but are we protecting defenseless players or not?
I don't think there is any doubt that it was a block in the back. The thing is, it was unnecessary. That is what hurts the most. Also, that was Riley's second block in the back of the game. He did not learn after the first one and his second one really cost us.
Agreed on both counts. In football as in life, to a certain degree you make your own luck. In general, good teams don't make mistakes like this.

Hopefully it becomes a learning experience for Riley because I really like him as a future starter at LB for us. However if he's ever going to advance to that point, he simply can't be making dumb mistakes like that.

And I lost a little respect for Danny Smith today (and this is probably why he'll never be more than a special teams coach) as he was 'consoling' Riley and telling him it was all right. In my mind - it WASN'T all right. It cost us the effing game.
It's hard to know how much Smith was using the experience as a "teachable moment" for a rookie vs. consoling him over the mistake. However IMHO it shouldn't take yelling and screaming at a player to make your point. I'm a big believer that people that learn from their mistakes and don't repeat them stick around and those that don't get replaced....no yelling or screaming required.

Of course I understand everyone has a different management style. :)
I hear ya Yusuf. Ordinarily I'd argue to show some humanity there. But TWO blocks in the back in the same game, the second one a game killer? Looked more like consoling than teaching to me - and just didn't sit well with me.
I read elsewhere that Riley's #56 first block in the back should have been called on Davis #86. They were in the same vicinity and the ref got the number wrong. I don't remember the exact play, so I cannot say if this is right or wrong, but I would be slightly less ticked at Riley if this is true. Horrible play regardless.
Definitely a block in the back. And, it might have cost us the game.

Or was it the grossly under thrown pass to Armstrong that cost us a TD?

Or allowing some unknown RB to whip us like a red headed step child?

Or this 3-4 disaster in progress?
Definitely a block in the back. And, it might have cost us the game.

Or was it the grossly under thrown pass to Armstrong that cost us a TD?

Or allowing some unknown RB to whip us like a red headed step child?

Or this 3-4 disaster in progress?

Good points. My dad and I were on the phone during the pass to Armstrong, and neither of us could believe how badly underthrown that ball was. Armstrong coulda walked into the endzone backwards if that ball was on target.

That's the play that sticks in my mind.
Brian Mitchell has a good take on the penalty (2nd) by Riley. He said if had just thrown his hands up and bumped the guy there would have been no flag.

Like others I was sure Danny Smith would have chewed him out.

The underthrown ball to Armstrong was due to the rush. McNabb couldn't step into the ball to get the distance.

To Ax's list I would add WR's, TE's, and RB's that can't catch.
The underthrown ball to Armstrong was due to the rush. McNabb couldn't step into the ball to get the distance.
True, but only because he was very late to pull the trigger.

To Ax's list I would add WR's, TE's, and RB's that can't catch.
You are correct, sir. And, as we all say every week, we have 6 guys who can't block 4. And sometimes, 3.

Also, an observation, not a complaint. But when even London Fletcher is missing tackles, you know you're in deep doo-doo. I'll credit Riggins (that was Riggins wasn't it?) for hard running, not poor play by Fletch. He's our MVP.
He sure looked like a young Riggins.

What kills me is you will see a glimpse or two of what this team could be. Could just doesn't get it done. Would love to see us play a full 60 minutes with everyone focused.

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