Walking Deadman: The FedEx Field Season Ticket Myth and My New Seats......


If you're a regular reader of IIWII have you noticed a slight change on the site? It's easy to miss and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't notice it.Figure it out yet?Okay, I'll show you.........This use to be the picture of FedEx that I had on the site for the last couple of months:and now the new picture:If you haven't guessed it yet, I've got new seats for the season as I was moved

Those are great 'people watching' seats...right there by the tunnel. You'll see everyone who's anyone coming and going. And for at least 1/2 the game, you'll have a great view of play in the red zone. At least when they're on the other end of the field, you'll (supposedly) have a decent jumbotron to follow the action on...
Those are great 'people watching' seats...right there by the tunnel. You'll see everyone who's anyone coming and going. And for at least 1/2 the game, you'll have a great view of play in the red zone. At least when they're on the other end of the field, you'll (supposedly) have a decent jumbotron to follow the action on...

Good to know thanks.....I'm looking forward to the new seats and the way it's going, I'll probably get moved closer to the 50 in a few years.

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