Vicks Signs 2 Year Deal with Eagles

This is interesting. Got to wonder what Andy is thinking after the went so far down the road of making Donovan comfortable in the offseason and you have to wonder how Donovan's head is now...
Fits right in with the Philly fans

Glad the temptation is gone for the danny
Philly should make room for two additions to their roster:

One for Vick and one for that player named Karma.
Heard this morning that this may be a notice to McNabb that his time in Philly is coming to an end. Hope this doesn't mean we will go after McNabb in offseason.
I've been checking out some Eagle's fan message boards to see what kind of reaction they were giving to the Vick signing-as you might expect the reactions have been divisive and widely varied everywhere. One of the largest-WingHeads has done a "Would you have signed him?" poll-so far it's running 42.86% Yes, 57.14% No.

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