Union Files grievance against the skins


Nov 17, 2010
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I live in the warmest city in the coldest provinc
Alma Mater

Wow, this is so retarded, they suspended him without pay without even sending a written warning once? When I first saw the suspension I thought " well played shanny, you waited for AH to hang himself and he did." Its no secret I think the team mishandled this from the get go and its even less secret that I think this along with the 3-4 debacle are our two largest mistakes this season but for gods sake, after all the drama and all the posturing, you would think that the new FO would have been doing their due diligence in trying to fix this. Now insult to injury, they will have to pay him an additional 800k to sit around for the last few games. Has any team ever handled a situation like this, this poorly?
I know where you stand on this so there is no need to rehash it. I just want to say this was expected. A union is going to file a grievance, it's what they do. I don't know the exactly what the rules state, but it will boil down to the written reprimand or lack thereof. Is the documented detrimental behavior enough? Or does the league require the written documentation before the suspension is doled out?
as a shop steward , I would extremely surprised if they allowed "documented behaviour" without a written warning. I agree it all comes down to if the skins did their due dilligence or not, it would seem not.

I am actually torn here, I don't want to pay AH when hes not even playing to me thats insult to injury BUT in another way if the Team didnt do things correctly then thats on them. Albert wins, he gets paid, doesnt have to play in a 3-4 and Shanny has egg on his face.

Hopefully we still manage to get some sort of value in a trade but I doubt it even comes close to what we could have had. That more than anything is what disappoints me, im gonna go look up more cowboys jokes.
If the union de-certifies, as part of negotiations with the league, would this, and any other grievances filed, be null and void?
The world could use less unions

Possible, although having worked on both sides of this I have to say that unions aren't the issue so much as their total inability to remotely view the employee as culpable in fashion for their own actions. Everything is the fault of the employer. They remind me of parents who always say their kid is never at fault or to blame . . . they usually have the worst kids in school.

In this case, if the Skins have not issued any written repremands, I have to side with the union though. Makes no difference what the amount of money involved is, good management documents personnel issues for the record, for the education of the employee and to ensure there are no misunderstandings down the road. If the Skins didn't put it in writing then they deserve to get screwed over.
Yeah, I guess those are teh rules. But this guys jack assed ness has been on display basically since he got here. I'd be embarassed to represent a turd like Butterworth
If the union de-certifies, as part of negotiations with the league, would this, and any other grievances filed, be null and void?

Just a guess, but I would say everything would stand as long as the decisions come prior to their split.

Yeah, I guess those are teh rules. But this guys jack assed ness has been on display basically since he got here. I'd be embarassed to represent a turd like Butterworth

I posted this elsewhere, but here it is again. Kevin Mawae (ex teammate and current NFLPA President):

"You talk about someone putting a mask on and going in backwards to get his paycheck," Mawae said. "I mean, if you don't want to be there, don't take the $21 million contract. How things turned out, it's no surprise to guys that have played with him in Tennessee. You know, what do you say?

"I mean, you're getting paid a ton of money to play less and you're complaining about it," he continued. "At the end of the day, it's one thing to be a football player and get paid lots of money, but there's a whole lot more to be said about being a man. You know, he's a [inaudible] player when he wants to be and he can be one of the best in the league and I've said that to him in his face before. But to this point he doesn't want to do it on a consistent basis."

"At some point in time in the game, you know, you got to do what's right for yourself and what's right for you and your family. I think $32 million guaranteed in one year pretty much takes care of those issues. I think the other issues go beyond the football field."

We all knew this was coming. Surprised it took so long. Rumor has it that Haynesworth really was not worried about the speed of the process because he does not want to report back to the team, just want his money.
Unions geta bad rap because they represent the views of people like Butterworth

But to go any further, we should do a union thread in the 5 o'clock club
unlike the Eagles with TO, the Redskins didn't document their case.

shame on Allen for that.
Mawae is a moron, anyone who parrots the " he took the 21 million dollars" argument when the fact of the matter is it was a deferred bonus and thusly already earned by the terms of his contract needs to go back and actually look at the language. Let alone a player with an agenda.

if the Redskins could, dont you think they would at least try to get some of the 21 million back? Mawae is just pissy because he was a decent Olineman who never made anywhere near that money, frankly him commenting on it at all was extremely unprofessional and he should have been censured.

as for Unions, they serv their purpose most of the time, if more employers were decent and did things to help the worker, we wouldnt even have them. things like this where an employer suspends or fires an employee without following basic procedure, are exactly why we have them.

is the 800k really meaningful to AH? nope. is the point being made now? yep.

one other thing, Ive noticed a distinct silence from the players on AH "refusing" to play in the base defence. in fact ive noticed some of them saying that he was very angry at being benched for the Giants game(a game he was to start at NT btw) reading btween the lines , it would seem that Shanny told him he was starting to test him out, and when he didnt throw a wobbler, shanny then used a pretty weak excuse to deactivate him to try and precipitate a spazz attack. at least thats what it looks like. its not like we dont all know what a big baby AH can be.
I cannot wait until the Fat Albert drama is over once and for all so we do not have to listen to anyone defend the fat lazy scum of a human being.

He is indefensible!

I don't care what was promised! I don't care how his talents were utilized! I don't give 2 ****s about Albert Frickin Haynesworth, at all!

Good riddance!

And I can't believe I defended him after the Bears game! Even claiming McNabb would be gone long before he was!
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Ya know what.... I couldn't give a dead rats arse at this point about the money. Give him his game checks, and don't try to recoup any bit of the 21 mil, and just chalk up the losses to yet another Vinny / Snyder blunder.

Don't go away mad Alberto, just go away.....

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