Ticket Exchange/BGO Classifieds


The Owner's Favorite
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Joe Gibbs Club Member
Jul 16, 2011
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I remember taking advantage of the ES Classified feed a few times over the years. One of the things I liked about it was that a 'skins fan knew their tickets would go to another 'skins fan and one likely to be loud. The other thing I liked about it was that for the most part board members didn't try to screw/scalp over other board members. Very often, I was able to get tickets for face price because someone just couldn't make the game or the cost of season tickets was so high that they planned only to attend some games and sell the others to cushion the hit. I remember going to some games with gbear and Techboy that way.

In any case, I don't know if we have a formal feature, channel, or thread like that on BGO, but it might be one I'd be interested in taking advantage of again next year.

I do think it would be useful to prohibit major price gouging though I suppose a small profit wouldn't be too rotten to bear.

Anyone else?
Amazing idea!

I am planning on taking my kids down in the Fall for a home game...the time is right and the vibe is right surrounding this team.

I am sure we are going to get to a point where ticket demand will be through the roof.
We had a 'Classifieds' add-on during the first 3-4 years of BGO. No one ever used it so we moved on from it. We can look at it again though.

Courtesy of the 'Wayback Machine'

It might be more popular now. I know for several years now, maybe seven I hadn't gone to any games. This was the first year I came back
I just purchased the best add-on option. Will install shortly and we'll see if we can get it set up today.
I just purchased the best add-on option. Will install shortly and we'll see if we can get it set up today.
Might make sense to do it closer to the season... then again, I honestly don't know how long in advance people make plans.
You asked for it - you're getting it :) It's already installed, I just have to build it out and customize it.
I have the basic 'Classifieds' page set up. When folks sell items, they will have to manage payment in the background as the add-on does not facilitate direct payment here on BGO, but the ability to post an item for sale and find a buyer is all here. I will be continue to be making some tweaks to it as we go. Let me know if anyone has questions or issues.
Love it. Was going out of town and had to miss the Eagles game. We couldn’t bear the thought of Eagle fans in our seats so we just ate them. I would’ve gladly passed them on to someone here who I could be sure would be cheering for the correct team!
I'll blow our own horn here a bit. One of the great things about having an independent site is that when members make requests, we often can accomodate them. We aren't reliant on an organization, an IT department, or anything like that to make improvements or additions or tweaks.

Any time we hear a good idea, we try and implement it. We'll see if the Classifieds tool gets some use over this next year.
I'll blow our own horn here a bit. One of the great things about having an independent site is that when members make requests, we often can accomodate them. We aren't reliant on an organization, an IT department, or anything like that to make improvements or additions or tweaks.

Any time we hear a good idea, we try and implement it. We'll see if the Classifieds tool gets some use over this next year.
I’m pretty sure the only reason it died the first time is there just wasn’t demand for our tickets anymore. It got to the point where you couldn’t give them away. But that’s all changing now, and by next year I think we will be back to the old days when a ticket to the game was something to covet. Keeping opposing fans out is a lot more difficult these days, but this is something that can help.
There is a name I really miss seeing. RIP
Oh no! I had no idea.

So sorry to hear this. He was a really good guy.
Was very unexpected. Never really heard for sure what happened.
Thanks for letting me know. I'll send a belated prayer out for him and his family.
I am essentially done building the BGO Classifieds page. There are some aesthetic tweaks if we need to make them, there are more detailed options I could turn on like having an 'employment' section, or including 'location' of seller items, but I don't think those are necessary right now. If you list an item, please let me know how you find the process. Was it easy? Any confusing aspects? I would love to get some feedback.

I did create a Forum and Home Page widget where (once we have multiple items listed) available items will cycle through to help alert members they are available. We'll see how it goes. Btw - we also have a pretty cool BGO store and an awesome Arcade for anyone who hasn't noticed.

Thanks burgold and others for asking about this. I think our original Classifieds add-on was a bit better, but we're constrained by what's out there developed for the Xenforo software. This one is certainly functional.
Cool. Heading out soon, but I will play with it later (probably tomorrow.)

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