Lanky Livingston
Lots of exciting Google news lately...they are positioning themselves to take over the interwebs (yes, including facebook).
Plus looks to be a direct competitor for Facebook, and is in the beta testing phase right now. Previously they had Google Wave, which pretty much tanked hard. I think they learned their lesson, because Google plus looks very cool.
Google music is set to eliminate ipods - you upload your music and have access to it anywhere, including on your phone. Amazing!
Finally, this stat is amazing - according to Mashable, 500,000 Android devices are activated every day. Is it foreshadowing that the device taking over the world is called "Android?" LOL. Let's hope not.
Plus looks to be a direct competitor for Facebook, and is in the beta testing phase right now. Previously they had Google Wave, which pretty much tanked hard. I think they learned their lesson, because Google plus looks very cool.
Google music is set to eliminate ipods - you upload your music and have access to it anywhere, including on your phone. Amazing!
Finally, this stat is amazing - according to Mashable, 500,000 Android devices are activated every day. Is it foreshadowing that the device taking over the world is called "Android?" LOL. Let's hope not.