The Philadelphia Eagles are Public Enemy #1

Hell I’d have no problem going to New York. The only place comparable was Oakland. I’m not sure that’s the case anymore in Vegas.

The thing I love seeing is another asshat fan from another city and Philly fans jump all over it, saying “see we’re not the only ones!” like it makes it somehow makes it okay.
I wouldn't go to Philly again, nor Seattle. They openly encourage and enable physical harassment of opposing fans (by doing nothing about it when it occurs). It's out of control and frankly, the NFL is going to have to do something about it before much longer. The NFL is not a family-friendly entertainment option any more. Sad to say - but it's not. igglesfan - I know you're a good guy, but you're way off base on this one. This isn't a 'all fans think the officials favor the other team' argument. Philly fans are out of control and have been for decades. No one cares, including the organization and stadium staff.
So I did a little light decorating for the Super Bowl party…. Just a few party tricks here and there to show some Football Spiirit

It's not quite that simple. If they take your hat or something else from you and run, you have to catch them. Unless you're faster than them, they win and you lose. No hospital stays for anybody.
One friend of mine had his jacket messed with, like he was trying to leave and had his jacket zipped up, and someone put his hand on the zipper and started messing with it, saying "Oh are you hiding your Commanders jersey"

He somehow managed to keep his cool, probably because he had his kids with him who are both older- but still - no, not a good experience in Philly. There was more to that story too, that was just one part.

This is far, FAR too regular of an occurrence. The whole "we must protect this house" thing is pretty much caveman stupid in Philadelphia. Sports are supposed to be fun at the end of the day, even if you get fired up. That part is totally out the door in Philly.
They have jawed with me on X so much since the NFC Championship game. And they are pretty nasty online too.
Washington fans FEAR going to Philadelphia. Eagles fans do not fear invading Northwest stadium. Until this changes - they are at an advantage.
One friend of mine had his jacket messed with, like he was trying to leave and had his jacket zipped up, and someone put his hand on the zipper and started messing with it, saying "Oh are you hiding your Commanders jersey"

He somehow managed to keep his cool, probably because he had his kids with him who are both older- but still - no, not a good experience in Philly. There was more to that story too, that was just one part.

This is far, FAR too regular of an occurrence. The whole "we must protect this house" thing is pretty much caveman stupid in Philadelphia. Sports are supposed to be fun at the end of the day, even if you get fired up. That part is totally out the door in Philly.
Its a war simulation for 3-3.5 hrs.
Should people really fear going to a professional sporting event?
Not when home field is being protected
Should people really fear going to a professional sporting event?
No, they shouldn't. I would much prefer we don't allow other fans because tickets aren't available, like the old days of RFK. That's not feasible anymore with SeatGeek and StubHub, but I think we can get close. In no way do I want to become Eagles fans, where we harass, assault, and berate other fans.
No, they shouldn't. I would much prefer we don't allow other fans because tickets aren't available, like the old days of RFK. That's not feasible anymore with SeatGeek and StubHub, but I think we can get close. In no way do I want to become Eagles fans, where we harass, assault, and berate other fans.
Ultimately, sports is entertainment. Yes, we develop emotional attachments but what we're really doing is watching other people do their jobs. To get rude (physically or verbally) with opposing fans is not advisable. Self-defense is one thing, but going out of your way to berate or assault someone who is wearing different color clothes than you are is not good. Good-natured ribbing is to be expected, but fearing for one's physical safety should never be a part of a sports fan's experience. Leave the physicality to the men on the field getting paid to play this brutal game.
When you celebrate your team by assaulting the other team’s fans and taking their stuff…you take it WAY too far. I’d like to think we here in the DMV are very passionate about our team, but are a different class of people.

I’ve been to many games and seen some dumb stuff, but overall incidents are few and far between. Usually the BS was when we play the Eagles.
Could always be Premier league bad where opposing fans have special trains etc to the away stadium, get escorted by police from the station to the stadium, placed in their own section. then at the end of the game get escorted back out, back to the train and sent on their way back where they came.
Could always be Premier league bad where opposing fans have special trains etc to the away stadium, get escorted by police from the station to the stadium, placed in their own section. then at the end of the game get escorted back out, back to the train and sent on their way back where they came.
Is this really true? I heard of it being bad, but never heard of this much detail.
Arguably the best GM in the league, but these jackholes called for his head. Philly fans are seriously deranged.

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