The Philadelphia Eagles are Public Enemy #1


Nov 4, 2024
Reaction score
They have surpassed the Dallas Cowboys as the primary rival.

Their city is trash.
Their fans are trash.
Their players--past and present--are trash.

I want to stomp a mudhole in their ass like there is no tomorrow.

They are Public Enemy #1.
Your Honor, I’d like to call my first witness…

Next witness counselor…

A cowboys fan actually called his team the "cowgirls" today in the store...I was in my Redskins hoodie & baseball cap. I asked, "You ain't rootin' for the Eagles, are you?" And I got a "FUCK NO!!!"

We cool. ;)
Tailgate Ted is a dude who went up there and organized a rally at the Philly Hard Rock Saturday, where he gave a speexh thanking the fans for enduring the Snyder era and claimed that the fans took over the Hard Rock. Someone videotaped his speech and it went viral on several Philly social media sites and blogs, and he got more harassment at the game than he probably bargained for.

But the silver lining is that Ted raises money for various causes, including a current one that is cancer related. Apparently he has received a bunch of donations from Eagles fans sinxe the game. So humanity does exist.
It was a playoff game, not only that, an NFC Championship game. So that's as bad as it gets. If you want to wear a Redskins hat, better wear one you don't care about.
This team is one of the biggest reasons that they need to stack up on DL players. We can't regularly beat these clowns until we can beat their running game several times a game and pressure Hurtz. Once we can do that JD won't have to put up 35+ to beat them.
Give it up for Sabrina, she's still in mourning.

Yes, of course there are some douchebag Eagles fans. Every fanbase has them. The reality is, most of us are normal, passionate fans just like you are.

Looking forward to years of battles now that your Crappy owner is gone and your team has turned the page.
Yes, of course there are some douchebag Eagles fans. Every fanbase has them. The reality is, most of us are normal, passionate fans just like you are.
Stop defending these animals as some sort of aberration. It is demonstrably unsafe to go to an Eagles game, as an opposing fan. Yes there are good Eagles fans, but, honestly, they’re in the minority. You have more assholes than any other fanbase.

No other fan base literally eats horseshit and is proud of it.
It’s not an aberration. It is real and it’s been going on for many decades. Any ‘real’ fan of the team should denounce the behavior not try to discount or minimize it.

Reminds me of the old song…So were you born an asshole or did you work at it your whole life?
Even if not all Philly fans are assholes, they don’t do a thing to try to change the perception of their fan base. They know they have a reputation and they embrace it even if they don’t take part in some of the shenanigans that occurred last weekend.

I know I can’t go to Philly to watch a game. If somebody takes my hat off my head, touches my kid or my friends, or puts their hands on me or any of my stuff I’m probably going to the hospital but I definitely won’t be going alone.
I know I can’t go to Philly to watch a game
I have way too short a fuse. However, I wouldn’t worry about going to any other city. The thing about Philly is they’re cowards and bullies. They roam around in a packs, but they will never run their mouths one on one—it’s ALWAYS a group.
Even if not all Philly fans are assholes, they don’t do a thing to try to change the perception of their fan base. They know they have a reputation and they embrace it even if they don’t take part in some of the shenanigans that occurred last weekend.

I know I can’t go to Philly to watch a game. If somebody takes my hat off my head, touches my kid or my friends, or puts their hands on me or any of my stuff I’m probably going to the hospital but I definitely won’t be going alone.

It's not quite that simple. If they take your hat or something else from you and run, you have to catch them. Unless you're faster than them, they win and you lose. No hospital stays for anybody.
I have way too short a fuse. However, I wouldn’t worry about going to any other city. The thing about Philly is they’re cowards and bullies. They roam around in a packs, but they will never run their mouths one on one—it’s ALWAYS a group.
I would really like to go to Green Bay or even Dallas eventually. From what I have been told aside from good natured ribbing the environments there are actually very welcoming. Everyone I know who has been to Lambeau tells me it was a positive experience.
It's not quite that simple. If they take your hat or something else from you and run, you have to catch them. Unless you're faster than them, they win and you lose. No hospital stays for anybody.
lol point taken. I’m like a dwarf…very dangerous over short distances.
Hurts seems like a good guy and he's an exciting player to watch.

Having said that, Philly fans are absolute trash. Just the worst.

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