The Peyton Manning discussion

Lanky Livingston

Okay, not saying I support this - I would much rather see RG3 at FedEx for years to come - however, with the amount of holes on this Redskins' team, this wouldn't be the WORST option. This is the scenario I envision:

The Redskins either sign Peyton as a free agent if he is cut by the Colts, or they trade a low-round draft pick for his rights and renegotiate his contract. The Redskins then trade back from 4th or 5th overall, wherever they end up - knowing Shanahan, he should be able to get a bevy of picks for this move. The Redskins then draft a ton of players, including some stud OL.

What if a team offers its 1st, 2nd & 3rd this year, plus a 1st (and maybe more) next year for RG3? Would be very hard to pass up, IMO.

This would also open up the possibility of bringing in a Nick Foles, Ryan Tannehill, Kellen Moore, etc. in the 2nd or 3rd round, to be groomed under Peyton. Remember, the GingerCat Andy Dalton was drafted in the 2nd round this year, and has had a lot of success.

Of course this scenario only works if Peyton is given a 100% clean bill of health. Also, it probably only works if RG3 falls to us, which is looking less and less likely as every day passes. But its still possible.

Just curious - what are people's thoughts on this?
We are currently picking 4th. The teams picking 2nd and 3rd don't need a QB.

Why does it not seem likely we could get RG3?
Doesn't really matter. If a team behind us wants to move up bad enough, they will. Making where we finish, practically irrelevant, since it won't be #1.

As for Peyton, he wouldn't come here. Waste of time thinking about it.

I say, win out, and let the chips fall.
We are currently picking 4th. The teams picking 2nd and 3rd don't need a QB.

Why does it not seem likely we could get RG3?

You never know - St. Louis and Cleveland could both fire their coaches at the end of the season (or maybe even earlier), and hire someone new who wants to start over at QB. Someone could trade up with either of those teams and nab him also.
As for Peyton, he wouldn't come here. Waste of time thinking about it.

Dunno, seems like Washington is a great fit for Peyton. Solid young WRs in Hankerson & Austin, a deep threat in Armstrong, and a solid vet in Moss. Strong running game with Helu/Hightower/Royster. Solid defense to protect a lead. Why wouldn't he come here?
Dunno, seems like Washington is a great fit for Peyton. Solid young WRs in Hankerson & Austin, a deep threat in Armstrong, and a solid vet in Moss. Strong running game with Helu/Hightower/Royster. Solid defense to protect a lead. Why wouldn't he come here?

Um, I don't know, offensive line maybe?

Hankerson & Austin have solid "potential". Nothing more.
Armstrong hasn't threatened ANYBODY all year.
Moss, is a solid vet. I'll give you that.

The running game, just like the passing game, is dependent on the Oline. Our running game has been very good, average, and terrible, all in the same season. i.e. inconsistent and unreliable. Granted, are better passing threat would help, but as has been stated around these parts for quite some time, "I don't care if you had Peyton Manning playing QB. If he ain't got time to throw, he ain't got time to throw. And as for mobility, Peyton makes Grossman look Vick-like.

As for the defense, yes they look a lot better, so far. But I have to somewhat agree with Brother Ryman when he states that what we've done is equal our defense from two years ago. I believe we are improving, but we have a ways to go yet.

So then, I just don't think a guy, who will have voices in his head for a while, if he even can play again, telling him to not get hit, would want to come to a place where QB's take more hits than a youtube video of Halle Barry walking out on an award show butt naked.

Unless nobody else wants him.
Just spent five minutes searching for that video. Can't find it. Gonna need you to post a link.

Well, like I said, I'm not necessarily a proponent of this strategy, I was just throwing it out there.

As far as OL goes though - a QB with pocket-presence like Manning can make a mediocre OL look much better than it is, just like a QB with no presence can make an above-average OL look much worse than it is (see Roethlispickle, Ben).
big ben isnt coming off a major neck surgery. and he still just got rolled up on. did you see the picture they put up of him withall of his injuries?

and if the WRs cant get open because of lack of time theyre screwed. weve taken big enough risks on QBs who are old without injuries such as their neck. i just dont see spending big bucks on someone whos best days are behind him.

Well, I did say one of the conditions would be renegotiating his contract - I didn't specify but I meant getting him cheaper than what he's currently making. I doubt he'd be able to get another huge payday.
no, not just no but NO. if we had some actual talent to surround him with and an Oline that could protect an aging injury prone guy then maybe but with no oline and one solid receiver and a defence filled with holes? hell no. if this was 2 years from now and we had depth and solid players I would say hell yes, its not.
Well Ryman, you're definitely on record stating you don't think this team has any talent. I tend to disagree with you, but that's okay.
I didnt say dont have any talent, I said we dont have enough talent that adding one good player is going to make us any better off than we were before shanny showed up. We need far too many things before we can satrt thinking we are "just a little bit away". getting manning would hurt more than help, he wouldnt want to build for the future while he was a place holder so we would be trading draft picks and siging win now guys again. how did that work out last time?
Yes, to Ryman you listen.
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A thousand times no. Aside from what's already been mentioned, this is a classic case of trying to fit a round peg into a triangular hole. Manning is a classic pocket passer. He's just not going to be able to roll out, hit receivers while moving and occasionally scramble. Besides, if Manning goes anywhere it's probably going to be to a team with enough in place to at least credibly challenge for a SB. We just don't fit the bill.

Having another team trade up in front of us is possible but we've still got a higher pick to offer in exchange. Assuming the draft order continues to look something like it does today, Miami is probably the only team in the top 10 that will be looking for a QB. So if you're the Vikes or Lambs, that means trading down with us could still net them a few extra picks while still allowing them to get the guy they've got their heart set on rather than having to take half a loaf so to speak in exchange for extra picks.

This is also a great scenario for us trading up to get Luck. I'd think the Dolts would have to believe they could still get either Barkley or RG3 at #4 plus the extra picks from us to try to get another SB with Manning before phasing in the young guy. At least that's the line I'm feeding myself before I wake up anyway.
First off, something wild would have to happen with Manning for us to be able to trade for him. His $28 million bonus is due before the start of the league year which means the Colts would have to pay it to him before the could trade him and then take the cap hit for it. Not much chance of that in my book.

That leaves the Free Agent route and I don't see a lot there either. If the Colts cut him it's because he couldn't prove to them that he was healthy enough to play in 2012 and earn that $28 mill. No other reason. No intelligent GM, something Polian surely is, would cut a proven SB winning player at the QB position if he has anything left in the tank at all.

This is a QB league now and Manning, if healthy, is one of the 3 or 4 best (Brady, Brees and Rogers being the others). I don't care how great the potential of the rookie you are drafting, you don't turn your back on Manning if he can still play. Ever.

I think he is a Colt or retired next year and I think those are the only two realistic scenarios.
Don't count Miami out as not getting a qb
I could see the colts doing what green bay did, draft the next guy, and then use the rest of the draft to fill holes to make a run, but then GB used a much lower pick, not #1 overall. if Manning is Healthy I wonder if they just go BPA or trade to someone who is desperate for Luck (like us) I hope we dont give up anything more than a first and third, if we even do it.
No way in heck Polian falls for a deal like that Ryman. Who do you think he is, Vinny Cerrato? :)

I'd be willing to give our 1st and 2nd this year plus a 2nd next year. That doesn't quite add up according to the point value chart but there's only so much I'd give up when I could potentially do nothing or only trade up to #2 or #3 and still land one of the 3 guys we want.
No way in heck Polian falls for a deal like that Ryman. Who do you think he is, Vinny Cerrato? :)

I'd be willing to give our 1st and 2nd this year plus a 2nd next year. That doesn't quite add up according to the point value chart but there's only so much I'd give up when I could potentially do nothing or only trade up to #2 or #3 and still land one of the 3 guys we want.

Polian ain't the genius he was 5 years ago. Take a look at the guys they have whiffed on in the draft recently. If it weren't for Peyton, fans might have staged a Cerrato-protest of their own.

Having said that, it doesn't take a genius to handle this trade. If the Colts put any feelings out there that they are open to a trade I don't think there will be any shortage of suitors. The good news is, if that happens and the bidding gets to expensive for Allen's tastes, he can sit back and allow a team to trade up and get Luck. That will be one less team we have to contend with for RGIIi or Barkley.
Manning is one hit away from retirement. No way no how should we go for him. We've been bitten in the ass before with signings like this in the past, and I'd rather not drop my draws inviting it......

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