Well, as '62 and others have mentioned, The Redskins really don't have any other options. They're not going to get a QB that's ready to start from day 1 in this draft.
What's interesting to me about your post Boone is you mention the post game interviews. I was also somewhat captivated by Rex in his post game interviews after the final game. These guys all know the right stuff they're supposed to say, but there was something more there with Rex. He seems to have a tremendously strong desire to start and win, which is something I don't see with McNabb who to me has more of a been there done that feel to him.
I kinda like Rex, especially after watching those interviews, but it's true the guy is a turnover machine. His biggest problem to me isn't his physical tools as some have said, but that he seems to have absolutely zero "spidey sense" when he's about to get creamed from behind. The good ones all have that sense when they need to side step just a little.
I expect Rex to have a similar season next year that he did for the Bears in their superbowl year, inconsistent. He'll have some awesome games and some really terrible ones. If you look at his numbers from '06, it's really kinda funny:
In week 2 vs. the Lions he went 20 for 27 for 289 yards and 4 tds with a passer rating of 148. 1 month later in Arizona, Rexy went 14 for 37 for 144 yards with 0 TDs and 4 INTs giving him a passer rating of 10, lol. Da Bears still managed to win that game though, leading to Dennis Green's now famous "the Bears are who we thought they were" rant the next day.
Rex had 7 awesome games that year, with passer ratings of 148, 137, 114, 105, 104, 100, and 100. He had 18 TDs and only 1 pic in those 7 games. The problem was he basically alternated those great games with 6 horrendous games in which he had passer ratings of 0, 1, 10, 23, 36, and 65 and threw only 2 TDs, and 18 pics lol. The game with the 0 rating was the last game of the year. If I remember right Lovie pulled him at halftime after going 2 for 12 with 3 pics. That's right, 1/4 of his passes were picked off in that game.
By the end of that regular season, Rex's insane inconsistency had everyone in Chicago, especially Lovie and Rex himself completely strung out and exhausted, but Rexy managed to hold it together just enough to help the Bears get to the Superbowl. We went to my Uncle's house in Chicago for Thanksgiving that year, and all of my Uncles, Aunts, and cousins from Chicago were all wacked out and arguing about Rex and the Bears all week. My Uncle had a classic rant about Rex a la Dennis Green at the dinner table one night and got so worked up he had to go up to bed after dinner lol. The Bears and Rex just had that affect on people that year.
Now, the Redskins won't have the same kind of defense or supporting cast Rex had with the Bears in '06, and I like Brandon Banks as much as the next guys, but he's no Devin Hester. One thing's for sure though, if Rex plays like he did in '06 it won't be boring, and we'll have plenty to argue about on the message boards.