'Stunned' reaction in Redskins owner's box as fans chant 'Sell the team'

Come on; Dan Snyder can't understand why us ignorant primitives are unhappy with the team?
The wrath from Redskins fans this year is amazing... Maybe Dan will see that we have all finally snapped and have had enough. Almost 20 years of nothingness has had its toll. Im hoping that with the failure of the team as well as the uprising of the fans maybe this year we will actually see a change...

I know Im a fool.
The wrath from Redskins fans this year is amazing... Maybe Dan will see that we have all finally snapped and have had enough. Almost 20 years of nothingness has had its toll. Im hoping that with the failure of the team as well as the uprising of the fans maybe this year we will actually see a change...

I know Im a fool.

Not a fool, just another hopeful fan like the rest of us. Our wrath directed towards Danny is pretty much all we got. We just have to hope he figures it out sooner rather than later.
Still waiting for that TIME magazine cover. A picture of Danny and the caption "The Most Hated Man in America?"

He's definitely at the top of the list in Washington.
Strange days.

The thing I didn’t like about that piece was how it tried to paint Dan as somewhat of a sympathetic figure, thinking only of the “great” fans. I’m not buying that at all. Dan may be a lot of things but victim is not one of them.

So the people in the owner’s box were “Stunned”?! Another one I can’t buy.

As for Tony, if he's the voice of reason that has Dan’s ear we’re screwed. Tony probably knows less about running a football team than a lot of us do. He’s a great entertainer and writer but that’s about as far as it goes.

As we supposed to believe that Dan and those around him live in such an insulated world that they don’t understand how some fans feel? I’m not saying that the Skins or any team should blindly follow fans whim on important issues, but this is more than that. We are on the verge of a full scale revolt.

The team has no “good-will” with the fans in the bank to draw on. This can get uglier, bank on it.
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Oh I think Snyder cares what the fans think.

But I suspect he thinks big splashy moves make us happy. Unfortunately, he's been correct for a long time.

I don't think that will work anymore though, and he clearly doesn't realize that yet. He's still doing it. Bringing in Lewis, making the coach abdicate his playcalling ... he doesn't know any different than this. He's never done it different. And we as fans have never demanded different.

I think what the fans expect has changed. Snyder just hasn't caught up yet. And he may never.

Hopefully he will.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"?

Well, Danny, welcome to the world of ardent fans who've watched you wreck their beloved team.

:whip: :kungfu: :brood: :thumbsdown: :hammer: :puke: :furious: :uhoh: :censored: :wall: :furious2: :behead: :toilet: :moon: :help: :anonymous:

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