Smartphones - What do you have?

Burgundy Burner

The Commissioner
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Oct 1, 2009
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Alma Mater
Eh, I'm bored and was curious about what everyone has in the way of a smartphone or a cell phone.

Mine is a Nokia N900 - yeah it is very expensive - top of the line - and it has EVERYTHING. Daughter got it for me as a Christmas gift, but she paid only a few dollars. My cousin is a lawyer for Nokia and she gets these things for free, but family members get them for $25 or so. Never been a big fan of mobile phones that had all the extras, but that changed in recent months - this is like having a computer everywhere you go.

Here it is...

What is your mobile device/smartphone?
I've got the EVO 4G from Sprint:;_ylt=AlsR8b1vY_uH4.Qwr1.CR.8bFt0A

Best damn phone I've ever had, like you said, it's like having a cpu in my pocket (which does make me happy to see... nm). Reception is money, I can video chat on the front of the phone, the camera on the back takes great pics, video is crisp and clear. Love it. My favorite part is that I can turn it into a hotspot and hook up my ipad to the internet no matter where I am.
Very nice phone indeed. I can do all those things too. I can do videos in 16:9 (or other sizes) HD. How did we get along without these devices?
Very nice phone indeed. I can do all those things too. I can do videos in 16:9 (or other sizes) HD. How did we get along without these devices?

No kidding. I remember my first cell phone 15 years ago and laugh. And then cry when I think about roaming and minutes and everything.
I've got the EVO 4G from Sprint:;_ylt=AlsR8b1vY_uH4.Qwr1.CR.8bFt0A

Best damn phone I've ever had, like you said, it's like having a cpu in my pocket (which does make me happy to see... nm). Reception is money, I can video chat on the front of the phone, the camera on the back takes great pics, video is crisp and clear. Love it. My favorite part is that I can turn it into a hotspot and hook up my ipad to the internet no matter where I am.

I've got the (older) Verizon version of this phone, the HTC Incredible. Man, I love this phone.
End of last year I broke down and bought a smartphone. I got the Droid2 Global, mainly because it's compact and has a the sliding keyboard. Wasn't sure wanted the Droid X with all touchscreen.

Only problem is I am now too connected and accessible.
I've got a Blackberry Bold. Biggest plus - I only pay $12/month for full internet and unlimited phone - employer covers the rest. Then again - the minute they support the iPhone I probably go that route.
I was a Blackberry guy until last November too, Boone. At that point the company switched me over to an HTC EVO 4G. I'm still getting used to it, to be honest but so far very impressed.

And while I am not anti-Apple, I would wait on the iPhone if I were you. While it currently out classes Android based phones, it isn't by much and I can't see Apple staying ahead of Google in this game for much longer. And Google doesn't impose all the limits on the Android Marketplace that Apple has for the App Store.

For you guys running Android or Apple phones with a Windows PC at home or the office, go to your app stores and check out an app called PocketCloud. It gives you full access to the desktop of any PC you have from your phone.
Honestly, I really don't know why anyone would use anything other than an iPhone.

(I'm bored....please God, bring back football)

Because they want a business tool, and not a 'gimmick' phone? :)

(I agree, get crackin' owners!)
Wife & I just got Ascends from Cricket. So far so good, but it's a cheap little phone. Getting ready to root it. We'll see how that goes...
htc evo 4g, it was tough finally saying good by to my palm but 've warmed up to this phone. No keypad takes awhile to get used to.
Samsung Focus. Absolutely love it. My daughter was really wanting an iPhone, which my wife has. She got a LG Quantum and loves it better than the iPhone.

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