Signature picture help


2024 BGO NFL Pickem Champ
BGO Ownership Group
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
Alma Mater
William and Mary
I've been trying to upload a new signature picture, but it is not overwriting my current one when I do. I've also tried deleting the current picture and uploading instead of just overwriting it, but even then the old picture still appears. I've tried this in the Brave browser and Chrome. Also while in incognito mode in case it was a cache issue, but still the same problem. Any thoughts? I wonder if it's a server cache issue and maybe just needs time to cycle?
Not sure. I think I've seen this myself a couple times. Can you post the new pic here and I'll see if I can swap it for you?
One other thing, make sure the image is 300 x 125 and no larger... doubt that's the issue but could be.'s set to 300x120.
You should be good now Dixie
Doh! Still looks like the old one. Odd!
Is the HTTR one above the new one you wanted uploaded - that’s the one I added and I’m seeing it was the one with Daniels and McLaurin? The Peterson one is the old one. Sorry, I thought I had turned the signature off but I see they were both there side by side!
Clear your browser history - the McLaurin Jayden one is showing now - with every post inclucing the one you just made.

Cleared cache and cookies. Tried in multiple browsers and it looks like this everywhere. I see what you did with the signature file. Looks like you inserted instead of using the upload feature? Wonder if I should try that again.

Does this link load the file for you? I copied it from where the image should be and it gives me a URL Not found.
I had to do it by uploading the image to our server and inserting via url. I see it now. You should see it now too.
I see it now. Thanks for the help. Maybe I just needed to wait a bit even after clearing the cache. Sorry for all the trouble for something so small.

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