Over the next couple of days you may notice odd site behavior. That's because we're going thru 'DNS propagation'. That means that you may get the old site or the new site when logging in. After several days it'll bring you only to the new site. If you see posts you made disappear, that's why...
So what's the new server's IP address? or is that the old one?
The way you can tell if you are logged into the new or old server is whether or not you see a Nav button titled 'Media' or not. If you do see the 'Media' button, you're on the old server.
Over the next couple of days you may notice odd site behavior. That's because we're going thru 'DNS propagation'. That means that you may get the old site or the new site when logging in. After several days it'll bring you only to the new site. If you see posts you made disappear, that's why...

That explains everything. Since early this morning, I was often the only one around here, so to speak. I logged out, cleared my cache, and whallah! (or however Elephant spells it).
We'll be doing some clean-up over the next couple days - move to the new server broke our image gallery and the Arcade, so bear with is while we get those (and anything else we find isn't working) squared away...
FWIW, I'm sitting in the airport on shared WiFi and the load times are unbelievably faster than they were last week before I left.
Yeah, things are cruising along at hypersonic speed now. Looking forward to having full functionality soon.
Good to hear you guys are experiencing some page load improvements. We are still working on the major plan for speed improvements.
Sitting in Dulles now, cruising along. Whatever you've done, it's working well.
Yeah, I'm getting very fast load speeds this evening! Bravo!

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