
Burgundy & Gold Jacket
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Montclair, VA
The recent site upgrade has placed dramatically higher demands on the shared server we have been on since BGO launched in 2009. As a result we have been shut down more than once, and in order to reopen the site have had to deactivate several of our features. This being an unacceptable paradigm, we're biting the proverbial bullet and upgrading our server account.

That process will take place over the next few days, and if what our host tells us is true we SHOULD be able to give you advance notice of when and for approximately how long the site will be off line while the actual migration takes place.

So again ... thanks for hanging with us and for your patience. We're going to do this thing right.

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Migration to the new server is underway. Barring problems, we don't expect any downtime. Fingers crossed.
Latest update (7/16/13, 3:30pm EST)

The delay for the last couple of days has been transferring the BGO domain registration from where it was initially registered to the same outfit that will be hosting us. That process is hopefully done--waiting for confirmation from our host and expect it at some point today.

Once that is confirmed, we will be scheduling a (hopefully brief) down time and putting the site in 'maintenance mode' so that we can RE-migrate the site to the new server. We had the option not to, but choosing that would have lost us any and all posts, articles, etc., that have been made since the initial migration. We wouldn't do that to youse guys.

SO ... we will be letting you know about the down time, and are going to try to schedule it for the wee hours of the night so only you true night owls will be jonesin'. Our understanding is that the re-transfer should only take a few hours. Once that is done, our new nameservers (if you don't know, you're better off) will officially be pointed to the new server, and we will begin merrily propagating our DNS. That's interweb speak for "yo--you're going to experience some weird caching issues for a couple days; don't take it personal and be patient (please)."

THEN ... once we're all revelling in the site NOT being summarily taken off line every time we add a new toy or big news happens and we all gather to talk about it, we're going to re-enable things like the new photo gallery, the "Like" feature, and all the other cool stuff we've got cookin'. Among those cool things will be a caching system install that should go a long way to speeding up the site's overall performance.

Thanks again for the feedback and for stickin' by us during these transitionary times.
Uh...what the smart guy said...

One off the cool things is a bitchin' Video Library add-on. Way cool.
As always, thanks for all the hard work for us guys. This IS the BEST Redskins site in existence!!

yeah *umbo, you heard me:cool5:
Pretty fast this morning. Hope the change was smooth. Let's Roll!
Well, that's good to hear. Particularly since we're still on the old server account. :)

Still waiting for the domain transfer to complete. As soon as we get that notification, we'll schedule the re-migration and let you know when to drop Advil to get through the hopefully brief down time.

Oh ... and another teaser. We're working on a little something behind the scenes, heretofore unmentioned, that we believe some of you are going to really, really like. And that's all we're going to say about that.
You see, I knew it all along and was trying to get tshile to say the same thing.

Har, har, har.

I don't know when it got better. I've been swamped since 8 am Monday morning.

Site is definitely loading significantly faster for me and I'm just now noticing it. I'm not kidding either.

Wasn't the upgrade to address bandwidth issues not load times? I'm assuming the load time was due to some script/plugin taking too long as opposed to an issue with the host :)

I'm getting 2-5 seconds with the main content on the home page and the main forum page, right around 2 for the sub forums. That's on a mac and my windows machine.

Maybe my comment should go in the bug/glitch/feedback thread. But BB's post made me realize it definitely is faster :)
Yeah it's back to being kind of slow again :\
Not as bad as before.

I could be making all of this up though. I have lots of sudafed in my brain right now.
The domain transfer is complete.

We have asked our host to let us know the soonest they can initiate the re-transfer. As soon as they get back to us with a start time we'll let you know with as much lead time as possible.

Again, the HOPE is that the re-transfer will be a matter of a few hours of migration AND functionality-check time. Things being what they are in the real world, however, allow us to apologize in advance should any part of the process hit a snag and cause a delay. If that happens we will do our best to spread the word via our FB page. But here's hoping we'll be on the new server sooner than later and can get busy speeding things up around here.

It's a week 'til training camp, after all. :)
You guys have managed to get all this done prior to training camp opening up. I know that was a goal of yours. Good job :)
Shhhhhh...we'll jinx it.
Definitely seems to be moving quicker this morning! Much faster than it was at first, that's for sure!!
We made a few tweaks yesterday that may have helped load speed a bit....but the real improvement should come after the migration and once we've had a chance to install a caching system. We'll provide updates along the way.




No real time estimate at this point beyond "a few hours", so thanks in advance for your patience.

Here we go. :)

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