Robert the 3rd

Because he takes hits too squarely. I rarely saw him slide once he got the 1st down. He becomes a RB when he takes off and he takes a lot of hits. A QB like Manning, Brees, Rodgers and even Romo know how to half-step to keep from taking the full brunt of a hit. RGIII, from what I have seen, doesn't do this at all. He can avoid the initial tackle, but doesn't act like a QB when he gets into the open field, again he becomes a RB.

That may be the easiest thing that can be coached on.
After several years in the league, Vick is finally just learning to avoid contact to keep himself on the field...well, sorta anyway. RG3 is no Mike Vick in the brains dept. As with other things that any rookie QB needs to learn, Griffin will learn to live to fight another day and preserve his body. He's a smart kid and I think that's one of the easiest/first lessons he'll learn.

I get the whole trade down, quantity vs. quality argument. However WITH the benefit of hindsight, who among us would say not to trade a couple of first round picks to move up and take Peyton Manning? So if you're the GM and you think you have a similar talent in RG3 or Luck, why wouldn't you do it? If you're wrong you're fired and if you're right you're golden. The key point is, don't be wrong. ;)

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