Rams release video teaching their fans how to cheer

Lanky Livingston

This is hilarious, but lead to this much funnier parody by Joe Sports Fans: [media]http://vimeo.com/29632344[/media]

Anyway, thought it could go here because the Rams are the next Redskin opponent. Enjnoy!
Thanks for sharing. I actually think the real one was more amusing though :)
The Midwest was populated by pioneer people who set out for California, got halfway, looked around, and said, "Meh. Good enough."
Some of the most respectful fans I have ever experienced in the NFL. Not too bright... zzzzzzing!
Has Fedex been any better? :laugh:

Scoreboard electronic message: "It's Third Down!"................. :laugh:

Really? What should we do? We should CHEER??? Really? OK, let's try that :D

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