Portis makes me laugh.....

Miles Monroe

The Owner's Favorite
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Joe Gibbs Club Member
Jul 15, 2009
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Cape Coral Fl
I'm sure by now everybody has heard of the Jets locker room controversy this week.

Our boy Clinton just had to chime in on it.....

Um Clinton, she didn't harass them.

"And I mean, you put a woman and you give her a choice of 53 athletes, somebody got to be appealing to her. You know, somebody got to spark her interest, or she's gonna want somebody. I don't know what kind of woman won't, if you get to go and look at 53 men's packages.

Portis weighs in on Ines Sainz incident
he's right though.

have you seen how she dresses? i know i have. if you put her in front of me i am going to hit on her too. maybe even say a few things that are border line.

now you put me in that same room with all my peers after we just got done playing football and its probably going to come out a lot gruffer than if i was out to dinner.

women have no place in a locker room. do men get to go in to women's locker rooms?

I never said I disagreed with him, it's just his manner of discussing it that has me cracking up. The boy is colorful, no doubt.

I agree, and as I always say, men will be boys. More so in a group as you said. While I don't go for players running into her purposely on the field, cat calls in the locker room are almost a gimmie. As long as it's not obscene, women in a mens locker room need to have a thick skin to a large degree.

Alas, we live in a PC world, and soon enough you'll get a summons for whistling at pretty girl walkin by the way it going here. I'm movin to Italy, it's seen as a complement there.
and she is pretty daggone hot...awwoooooo!!

haha..sorry, had to do it

All I can say is, if she walked by in the paddock at the track after the races, the volume of the conversation would go way down, and the subject would change instantly. She's pretty hot, and that's not her fault, but part of the problem.
and she is pretty daggone hot...awwoooooo!!

haha..sorry, had to do it

this does get interesting...should an openly gay reporter be allowed into the locker room? or into enlisted berthing?

someone should ask Clinton...lol
It seems more to me that Portis is simply speaking of human nature. This thing is nothing more than a media creation and seems to be taking on a life of it's own but that's the way the media wants it.

Geez, it you want professionalism make her wear a damn dress and have her conduct all of her interviews in a media room and NOT the locker room. I'm pretty sure that would go a lot better.
OK, this next statement is a generalization from someone who has had a great deal of interaction with Mexican men. She is Mexican, is this something new to her?

She and every other woman who goes into sports journalism need to be prepared. Do the men need to be respectful? Yes. Are we dealing with young men in their 20's who may lack some maturity? I am 41 and I would definitely have said something to her if I did not see a ring on her finger! I mean come on, did you see that dahnkey?

Has this Mexican woman never watched Sabado Gigante? Has she ever come out against their treatment of women on that show? I mean they do have a contest with a trophy for the woman with the finest :moon:

Come on! She is star searching and will get her name in lights because of this. I'm not buying her sensitivities!

As for Clinton, did you expect anything less? I mean, we are talking about Clinton Portis here.
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NFL, Redskins condemn Clinton Portis comments

Last week, tight end Chris Cooley drew the head coach's ire for revealing a small part of team strategy on the radio. This week, running back Clinton Portis has one-upped him, drawing a rebuke from the league for comments he made during his paid radio appearance.

On Tuesday afternoon, Portis apologized for comments he made on 106.7 The Fan Tuesday morning on the controversy surrounding Ines Sainz, the TV Azteca television reporter who was allegedly sexually harassed in the New York Jets' locker room last week.

Portis issued a statement through the team, saying: "I was wrong to make the comments I did, and I apologize. I respect the job that all reporters do. It is a tough job and we all have to work and act in a professional manner. I understand and support the team on these issues."

CP...you disappointed me by apologizing.

Just finished watching the preachers on WashPO live. They all, of course, adopted the politically correct/MSM approach in slamming CP without any consideration of this woman and who she is. FU Ivan Carter and the rest of you f'ng slimebags. You've already corrupted this sports show with all the GD politics. eat feces and die.

this is a rectal orifice who ends his show with a reference to drinking every evening and who makes constant references to his own maneuverings with the fair sex.
I'm disappointed with the neanderthal attitudes in this thread. You guys would've been better off 100 years ago. No matter how someone is dressed, an adult does not act like an immature adolescent. It's a matter of maturity, which anyone above college age should have learned by that point. They obviously had poor parenting if they act this way, or they're completely ignoring what they were taught.
I'm disappointed with the neanderthal attitudes in this thread. You guys would've been better off 100 years ago. No matter how someone is dressed, an adult does not act like an immature adolescent. It's a matter of maturity, which anyone above college age should have learned by that point. They obviously had poor parenting if they act this way, or they're completely ignoring what they were taught.

yea you tell em you paragon of virtue!

if you will dismount your white steed for...ohhhh...a condescending nanosecond....you might venture to consider what this is really all about.

PRIVACY! there are competing rights here.

apologies for the energy invested in this...but I have been watching this politically correct crap for years in multiple venues. speak your mind CP...and not only will we ignore the competing rights in all of this...we'll try to shut you down! cuz we're all virtuous, freedom loving Americans!
just because you wear a whores outfit doesnt mean youre a whore, right?

well, i guess you wore that tight black dress with the plunging neckline and high heels last night to the Jets game because you are a professional.

Im going to start wearing a cops uniform around town and when people run up to me and tell me theyre being mugged, whatever I am going to say "HEY! Just because Im dressed this way does NOT make me a cop!" and see how far that gets me.

the rules may be sexist but theyre truth too. if I want to be taken as a professional I dont show up in jeans and a dirty shirt. if I want to talk about redskins football I dont go to Jerry Jones' office and walk in. The same can be said about women journalists.

that's another angle...but you're right.
Carter concluded his show with another political statement slamming CP. He seems to see a right for women in the lockerroom obviously as an equity issue. ok....this has some substance. but this dishonest (or stupid) turd seems unable or unwilling to think his way through other equities. this is why I hate the MSM and wish them only the worst - they are intellectually dishonest and hugely willing to destroy anyone who violates their cherished notions of social and personal justice.
All I can say is, if she walked by in the paddock at the track after the races, the volume of the conversation would go way down, and the subject would change instantly. She's pretty hot, and that's not her fault, but part of the problem.

Wait wait wait...I'm someone who thinks this is getting blown out of proportion, but I definitely don't agree that her hotness is part of the problem. So chick reporters should all be ugly? Is it Erin Andrews' fault some guy filmed her changing because she is so hot? I think you're way off base here.

Mike also has a good point (or is it Dave Chappelle's point? ;)) - if she wants professional respect, then dress in a suit or sweater or something like Andrews' often does. Don't wear skin-tight jeans and a cleavagey shirt and expect the utmost respect.
And of course it's not up to the male to display any sort of respect here.

I'm disappointed with the neanderthal attitudes in this thread. You guys would've been better off 100 years ago. No matter how someone is dressed, an adult does not act like an immature adolescent. It's a matter of maturity, which anyone above college age should have learned by that point. They obviously had poor parenting if they act this way, or they're completely ignoring what they were taught.

It has nothing to do with poor parenting, or maturity. I was raised quite well, and I can be well spoken and proper, or quite the animal. It has everything to do with nature, the environment your in at the time, and acting accordingly. There's nothing wrong with guys amongst themselves passing a "hey, did you see the bla bla bla on that waitress at the waffle house last night. The problem is, an environment has been invaded once again. I'm all for equal rights for women, but it's been pushed so far that men have no place sacred any longer. Letting women into a mens locker room, be it right or wrong, wasn't something men wished for, and I'm quite sure many are resentful of it.

Forcing people to allow somebody into their sanctuary of sorts doesn't mean their going to change. Why can't men have a place of their own ? These players, for the most part at least, don't walk down the street seeing a pretty lady, and yell something perverse. They know it's unacceptable in public, but we're not that far removed from chimps as you seem to think.

I'm guessing I would put you in shock with some of the expressions I use when it's just the guys.
I'd hit it.... and yes a double standard exists, except in a female locker room you're pretty safe being a male, since a large majority aren't interested in the turkey baster.
It seems more to me that Portis is simply speaking of human nature. This thing is nothing more than a media creation and seems to be taking on a life of it's own but that's the way the media wants it.

Geez, it you want professionalism make her wear a damn dress and have her conduct all of her interviews in a media room and NOT the locker room. I'm pretty sure that would go a lot better.

that makes too much sense.
Woman have no place in a mens locker room. Since that disenfranchise them, the right solution is to have all media members conduct interviews in a media room after the athletes are dressed. I'm not sure why this hasn't been done already.

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