Phillip Daniels

Well that's pretty cool. I was happy about PD being brought back just for the effect he has on the team. Now I pop in here and he's joined my one and only favorite Redskins haunt? Nice!

Welcome aboard PD!
Hey Phil !!

I hope there's a clause in your Player Development contract, that gives you the authority to put yourself back on the playing field, should your D-lineman not follow your expert orders !! :)

Hey, did anyone notice that Phil has the same initials as his new title ? PD for PD !!
I got the "oops" page too. But I'll tell you what is NOT an oops, and that is keeping #93 in the Redskins fold for as long as possible.

Congrats on the new position, big man. And thanks for always being so gracious with us fans. I appreciate it greatly.

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