this interesting part of Kenpo X is that I actually took 4 years of Kenpo Karate when I was in High School. I was a Blue Belt when I stopped, it wasn't as easy at the Tae Kwon Do I took a few years ago. The TKD was geared towards having people progress about every 2-3 months...Kenpo was 6-9 months for each belt at a minimum before you could test, and the testing wasn't a given. I had to test twice for the Blue Belt, but never failed a test in TKD.
I loved taking Kenpo, the classes were all 90 minutes with the first 45 minutes all being a workout. I remember doing several hundred situps in every class and eventually getting to the point where we had 45 lb weights on our chests to make the situps even about a 6 pack. I was looking for a Kenpo studio here in Denver when my son was interested in martial arts, but they wouldn't teach it to anyone under the age of 18 as it was too violent. Every technique you learn involves trying to break an arm/leg or incapacitate your opponent.
The TKD studio I found here was decent, but definitely not as extreme as Kenpo. The instructor used to tell me that I had to really pull back when I was sparring as I could really hurt someone if I wasn't careful (isn't that the point??).