OF: Synaptic Shotgun - DaView, London, Going Deep, Wimoweh


Burgundy & Gold Jacket
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Montclair, VA
Redskins 17, DaBears 14
Season Record: 4-3 (2nd, NFCE)

Don't mind me. Just enjoying da view.

Been a while since I felt like I was watching something being built. Yes, Jim Zorn started 6-2 in his debut season, but with Vinny Cerrato and Jason Campbell large and in charge, even then it was hard to get too excited about the upside. Respectability maybe. Possible championship(s) not so much.

This feels different. Allen, Shanahan, McNabb, Williams, Orakpo, Landry ...

Hey I'm not saying how far off. Just that if I squint my eyes just so, I can almost see it from here.

Meanwhile let's not forget to stop and enjoy some of the roses along the way. With winning comes suddenly finding familiar favorite names and faces start appearing on all those lists and features that for so long Redskins fans have viewed from the outside looking in.

Do they "mean" anything? No, not really.

Is it cool anyway? Oh yeah ...

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I'm not a nice man.

Why did I click on that link. I told myself before I clicked, "nothing good will come of this Goaldeje". And yet I still clicked.

And now my mental bleach isn't working.

That which doesn't kill us gives us psychic atomic wedgies.
Every once in a while....not always...but every so often, you manage to put into a few paragraphs, and with succinct eloquence, things I have been thinking about our beloved Redskins this season-and with a steadying hand of reason dispel both over enthusiastic pie-in-the-sky dreams of 2010 playoff conquests and the dismay of the frustrated impatience caused by unrealistic expectations of immanent machine-like fluidity being displayed on the field.

In other words, I couldn't have said it half..no...make that a quarter as well.

Except for the posting that video on the Lions fan forum thing if we win really big...

You may not be a nice man when the occasion warrants, but damn, Om, that would constitute cruel and unusual punishment.:kungfu::bucktooth:
Every once in a while....not always...but every so often, you manage to put into a few paragraphs, and with succinct eloquence, things I have been thinking about our beloved Redskins this season-and with a steadying hand of reason dispel both over enthusiastic pie-in-the-sky dreams of 2010 playoff conquests and the dismay of the frustrated impatience caused by unrealistic expectations of immanent machine-like fluidity being displayed on the field.
Whoa. :cool4:

In other words, I couldn't have said it half..no...make that a quarter as well.
Evidence to the contrary, mon ami.

Except for the posting that video on the Lions fan forum thing if we win really big...

You may not be a nice man when the occasion warrants, but damn, Om, that would constitute cruel and unusual punishment.:kungfu::bucktooth:
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco.
That may be the gayest video I've ever seen. I'd rather be Rick-rolled. The loss to the Lions last year still stings so after we win this game, if YOU don't post that video on the Lions board, I will. :evil:

And it's gonna take a while to get rid of that damn wedgie.

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