No News, Is Bad News?

Talking to my orthopedist this morning, who is a die hard as well, he said absolute worst case scenario would be for Shanny to come on and talk about a second opinion or re-evaluation.

He said that any news other than that would be wonderful in comparison, so I'm really feeling sick right now.

I'd normally agree, but Shanahan didn't say anything about a second-opinion. He basically said Andrews wasn't sure what he was looking at in the MRI, so he wanted RGIII to fly down for an examination.

Not that either makes me feel any better.

That was the least informative press conference I've ever seen

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translation: No one likes what they see. And people are pissed at me. So we're going for a second opinion while things hopefully cool down.

That's what I got out of it.

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One thing I do find oddball... if there was nothing in his MRI after the Ratbirds game, why is this MRI so confusing?

Result: Worst case scenario.

Shanny: I'm gonna catch so much hell for this. I'm gonna stall and let it die down some. Robert, get on the jet to be examined.

2nd result: Confirmation of the first.
One thing I do find oddball... if there was nothing in his MRI after the Ratbirds game, why is this MRI so confusing?


Exactly. That MRI was fine, and easy to read.

This one? We're not sure yet.

It's bull****.
Is it just me, or does it feel like we just wrapped up an 0-16 season? That's how depressed I am right now at all this news and speculation.

We've been in an abyss for 21 years, then we finally seem to be putting it all together, and now it's like everything positive has been snatched away and we're back to the days of doom and gloom in a blink of an eye.

It's downright unfair being a Redskins fan sometimes. Sorry.

What's especially aggrevating is the fact that this all could have been avoided had the people on the field stopped and looked at the big picture. Being shortsighted and impatient are two of the biggest mistakes people can make in life and yesterday was proof in my mind.
With this injury development, it will be interesting to see what Kyle does now.

Stay for a season possibly without RG3, or bolt?
General consensus on Twitter seems to be that it's bad, but that Shanny didn't want to piss everyone off with emotions running so high right now.

If that's the case, and it is bad, I think he's making a mistake by playing games. Not sure why he thinks people will calm down THAT much if he waits another day or two, if anything, I would think it would piss people off that much more.

Still witholding judgment for something official though.
Shanny's presser, RG is going south to see the Doc at his place for more tests.
Some confusion about MRI and old injuries.

I suspect (speculate) that this might be a pre surgery exam and stuff will get done while Griff is there or soon thereafter.
The worst thought just occurred to me. If Griff is out all next year, don't we kind of HAVE to bring back Rex?


I was really looking forward to releasing Butterball permanently from the roster.
That said... at least it looks like a torn ACL/MCL and not an ACL/PCL.

Wondering when the ACL happened. Probably when his cleat stuck in that **** that passes for the field at FedEx.

That was the least informative press conference I've ever seen

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Not that you should, but you don't watch many of Bellicheat's press conferences, do you?
They had an MRI from the Ravens game when he first injured it. This story about the MRI being incunclusive because of injuries in the past is bs. They have 2 MRI's within a month of each other.
After the blown Garçon diagnosis, how can we trust Abbott & Costello to get it right this time?
As katie just said "if it was as bad as we are speculating they would immediately see it and have no need for a second opinion"
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Have to respectfully disagree - I think they are stalling the release of really bad news until after emotions aren't running so high. Just my opinion though. I think the opposite actually - if it was good news, they would have released it immediately (like last time).
Have to respectfully disagree - I think they are stalling the release of really bad news until after emotions aren't running so high. Just my opinion though. I think the opposite actually - if it was good news, they would have released it immediately (like last time).

I agree that seems likely. To be fair however, that is complete conjecture. It may be that they know it is bad, but saw something on the initial MRI that confuses them, and they want to have all their ducks in a row before releasing the results.

Who knows?
As others have said with him just having an MRI I don't see how they don't know what is going on here. And there should be a rust on this because everyday they stall is just another day longer until he can play again.

My personal opinion is that RG3 will not play next year, and that kinda falls on Shannys hands for playing him last night after the first injury. Would Shannys head be on the chopping block then?? Does Kyle stick around or try to get a HC job if his star is not going to be back next year?

What are the odds that Griffin make a full recovery? He has had an ACL before....

24 hours ago things looked great, now who the hell knows..... **** **** ****

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