No News, Is Bad News?


He supposedly had the MRI last night.

Last time, we had a tweet, the night of.

This time, crickets.

Got a bad feeling here.
Last time we had a game less than a week away. We now have the luxury of taking our time, so maybe we are.
Or maybe we're working on damage control.

With the fire burning about why he wasn't pulled, to prevent further injury, you'd think they would have already released a positive result.

Of course, Shamahan is arrogant enough to not give a damn about the fans.

He obviously didn't care about his franchise QB's health last night.
They are definitely taking their time on releasing the news. It's probably smart to let some time pass, so people don't go into a wild rage if it's bad.

RG3 is on twitter right now, thanking the fans, and says he even appreciates the criticism. Not a word about the results though.
I'm guessing he tore at least one ligament. I just hope it was the MCL & PCL like I supsect, and not all three. Yikes. At least we'd get to inflate Kirk's trade value by starting him all next year. :facepalm:
Well like I said, for someone who lives on twitter, his history has been to put it out there ASAP.

And you know damn well he already has the results.
Ax, I don't see what the rush is. It doesn't matter if we know today or tomorrow.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear we are seeking another opinion, in an attempt to release the news late Friday night. That sounds like something Shanahan would do.
It's no sweat of my ass either way.

If there's no damage, Shamahan is probably holding the info intentionally, to make it seem like no big deal.

If it's bad, you can bet your ass that the company line is being formed, and rehearsed. Damage control in full operation.
"Skinsiders" now speculating it's much worse than thought.

If Shanny played him on a torn ACL, he needs to lose his job.
Jsteelz hearing from multiple sources, torn ACL and PCL.

Out for all of next season.

Still unconfirmed.
If that is true, you fire that asshole right now.
ES is saying out for next season. No reason to think they would lie.
Just fire that stupid jackass. He has terrible judgement.

We just traded a ton for a guy we just drove into the ground. No excuse.
PCL's are no joke. This isn't good.

Peterson came back from ACL/MCL. ACL/PCL, from what I'm seeing, is a whole new can of worms.
It was apparently LavarLeap, not LaWanda.

LavarLeap has a habit of rumors with a metric ****load of truth in them, for better or worse.

Or is that LaWanda on Twitter... ?

And Jsteelz is usually on point completely.

But, nothing official yet. There's still hope.
Everyone is just freaking out. Nobody without a need to know knows ****.
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Hope you're right, my friend. Hope you're right.
It's natural to be concerned.

Odds seem to favor the worst.

Speculation is to be expected.
It's natural to be concerned.

Odds seem to favor the worst.

Speculation is to be expected.

I don't think it's speculation... They have people that they know inside the organization. But I really, really, really hope it IS speculation.

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