NFL Pickem - What the hell are you waiting for? :)

Hey Boone, is it too late for you to enter my picks for the first week's games? :devilish:
Game picks will be locked in for Week 2 at 12:55pm folks. If you haven't made your selections for this week, you've still got time.
Is there a way that we can find the season total summary? I can find the weekly recaps, but I'm not sure who's ahead for the season.

BTW, Serv, how the mighty have fallen. :)
I was wondering about cumulative totals/standings as well.

As for Surv's "fall from grace", the first week is completely unpredictable so I didn't expect that to hold out. OTOH he's a really sharp guy so I didn't at all discount the possibility that he made all those picks based on knowlege of some arcane, minute details the rest of us missed. :)

In any event, it should be a fun year.
Is there a way that we can find the season total summary? I can find the weekly recaps, but I'm not sure who's ahead for the season.

BTW, Serv, how the mighty have fallen. :)

Tell me about it! I still have bear teeth embedded in my left shoulder:handicap:

It's been a bloodbath all around-who would have thought a 11-5 multi-way tie would be the best we could do?:eek:
Tell me about it! I still have bear teeth embedded in my left shoulder:handicap:

It's been a bloodbath all around-who would have thought a 11-5 multi-way tie would be the best we could do?:eek:

I won't be serv, after the Dolphins upset the Colts at home tonight, I will stand alone at the 11-5 pinnacle this week. :biggrin2:

My decision to choose the Fins in this game is two-fold. First, I don't think the Colts are even close to the team they once were. Second, Miami in this time of year is one heck of a place to be spending 3 hours outside running around. The humidity is stifling even at night. I think the Colts are in for a tough one and if Miami can get their running game going, the Colts D is in trouble. Don't be surprised to see them with oxygen masks on.
Is there a way that we can find the season total summary? I can find the weekly recaps, but I'm not sure who's ahead for the season.

BTW, Serv, how the mighty have fallen. :)

I'll post cumulative standings as well as the week 2 results as soon as the Monday night game is over each week guys :)
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Crow does not taste good! :anonymous: I have to say, Miami should not have lost that game! Congratulations to Peyton Manning. Again he proves he is the best QB in the league!

And congrats to all those tied in first place this week!

That's O.K., E. it happens-absolutely nobody picked Cincy over Green Bay or Houston over the Titans (the damn "coin-tossing pc doesn't count!).

However, on behalf of tomwvr, Yusuf06, RobinTom, Walking Deadman, MissU28, and myself-for being the only ones who picked the Jets to upend the Mighty Patriots... :nana:
I gots a day job friend :)

Results are posted....
Haha, just giving you a hard time. :)

I should have said I'd get it up after the MNF game when I'm damn good and ready, shouldn't I?


I'll try to do it late Monday night since I know folks are itching to see it now :)

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