NBCW: DC Bar Gives Fans a Chance to Bash Snyder

Lanky Livingston

Fans who want to take a swing at Redskins owner Dan Snyder can get their chance Friday night at Madam’s Organ. The popular Adams Morgan bar will be hosting an anti-Snyder party featuring a 4-foot-tall Dan Snyder piñata.
The bar will also be carving up an “anatomically correct nude Daniel Snyder” cake.

The purpose of the event, according to bar owner Bill Duggan, is to bring more attention to Snyder’s behavior and his lawsuit against City Paper.

"I would hope that [Snyder] would see the light and say, 'This is stupid, why alienate people even more?' " Duggan told TBD.

Bashing a Dan Snyder piñata isn’t likely to make Snyder "see the light," and his frivolous lawsuit has become something of a joke to everyone but the City Paper, who is being forced to defend itself in a very expensive battle. The proceeds from the Madam’s Organ event will be donated to the paper’s legal defense fund.

Aside from the opportunity to bash a piñata and eat a piece of frosting-covered Snyder, there will be a silent auction, prizes such as trips, dinners, signed Redskins memorabilia and game tickets. There will also be a $100 prize for the "best Daniel Snyder in a cheerleader costume."

Click link for more.
I am not the biggest fan of Daniel Snyder, but this is ridiculous. They better be ready if Snyder gets wind of this. He might just go out and purchase the building if these people don't own it and jack up their rent.
I am not the biggest fan of Daniel Snyder, but this is ridiculous. They better be ready if Snyder gets wind of this. He might just go out and purchase the building if these people don't own it and jack up their rent.

No kidding. I was ready to respond that even he wouldn't be that stupid, but...

An Asshole's United Convention

Hopefully the bar, and the paper, will be out of business.

An Asshole's United Convention

Hopefully the bar, and the paper, will be out of business.



This is just childish, IMHO.
I'm probably the biggest Snyder basher on this board and even I think that's dumb.

The City Paper can go spit.
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I'm probably the biggest Snyder basher on this board and even I think that's dumb.

The City Paper can go spit.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device

Have you met Sarge?

Posted via BGO Mobile Device
Madam’s Organ, Adams Morgan..... this is very confusing.
What Henry said. Snyder being the worst thing to happen to the Redskins and Dave McKenna being one hop-skip-and-a-jump from hopping out of the woods and telling someone to 'Git them panties off'?

Definitely not mutually exclusive.

McKenna is the most pathetic excuse of a 'journalist' DC has seen in a long time.

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