Interesting Article on Tebow


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Interesting read. I figure this kid is either the next rock star QB of the NFL or he won't see the end of the rookie contract and I can't help but agree with the author's opinion on much of NFL talent evaluators.
I have said it before, but if the Skins must have a QB this draft, I hope we look at Tebow at the top of the 2nd, if he is there.

I have really changed my mind about him over the last month. He is boom or bust, but I would definitely risk the pick.
I have definitely come around on him as well. To listen to the pundits, the kid can't throw at all, has no chance to succeed, etc. Nice to read an article from a different viewpoint.

I wouldn't mind taking him at the right spot. I love how people argue that Bradford and Claussen are sure things, and Tebow is a definite bust. If he falls later into the draft, grab him.
I have a funny feeling he won't fall into the second round. He may not even fall into bottom third of the first round. The real talent evaluators--the guys doing it for a living as employees of the 32 NFL franchises--are the ones who count in this, and all it takes is one team to think it's worth a shot to make a move and grab this kid.

If he ends up getting picked in the 20's, or even the teens of the 1st round, I will not be the slightest bit surprised.
I have a funny feeling he won't fall into the second round. He may not even fall into bottom third of the first round. The real talent evaluators--the guys doing it for a living as employees of the 32 NFL franchises--are the ones who count in this, and all it takes is one team to think it's worth a shot to make a move and grab this kid.

If he ends up getting picked in the 20's, or even the teens of the 1st round, I will not be the slightest bit surprised.
I'm with you, Om. I think the fact that the NFL invited him to the draft means they think he'll go in the first round. I believe it'd be unprecedented for someone to be invited who was projected to go later than the first round.
One thing that he has going for him is an awesome work ethic and a very strong desire to succeed no matter what he has to do. He will work at anything and everything he needs to in order to improve himself.

I am sure that will make him attractive to a lot of people, whether its in the late 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. There is no way he drops past the 3rd.
Anybody out there think that Shanahan's interest in Tebow could be a smoke screen? I like Tebow as well (at the right draft position) but does Shanahan like him as much as he is letting on?
Anybody out there think that Shanahan's interest in Tebow could be a smoke screen? I like Tebow as well (at the right draft position) but does Shanahan like him as much as he is letting on?
There is only one thing we know about this time of year, and that is that no NFL exec who makes a public statement about a player coming out in the draft is speaking off the cuff. Every public statement, and every "leaked" opinion, has an agenda.

The fun is in trying to divine what that is. :)
Tebow's camp believes he is going in the top 10, 15 at worst. At this point, I can't say that I disagree. I agree, if he makes it to the 2nd round, I will be totally shocked.

I am really liking what I hear about his composure and willingness to learn. He is coachable and he studies. Sometimes hard work (Brees, as well as others) makes up for some inadequacies.

I watched a lot of him over the past couple of years because my wife graduated from Florida. I never thought he was going to be anything in the NFL, now I find myself rooting for him.
This is all misdirection.

Shanahan does respect Tebow for his intangibles and his record in college.

But Tebow maxed out his skills and doesn't seem to be a guy that is a good risk for the NFL.

Shanahan keeps going back to accuracy and setup and Tebow is objectively behind 5 or 6 other qbs in this draft when it comes to translating skills to the NFL.
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So, early on many were suggesting that Jacksonville would take him. Mainly it was suggested they were interested in the marketability of the Florida boy. Now, with speculation about his stock rising, this could be the move that makes sense for them.

I don't see us having the opportunity to take him.
This is from the Florida Times-Union Jacksonville,com site. During a telephone forum held with Jaguars' GM Gene Smith and season-ticket holders an informal poll was taken on the question of "Should the Jaguars draft Tim Tebow". The result was 55% voted "No".

Excerpted from the article.

Jaguars fan poll: Do not take Tim Tebow
Season-ticket holders talk to GM Gene Smith during forum.
Posted: March 10, 2010 - 12:06am

RICK WILSON/The Times-Union
Jaguars General Manager Gene Smith answers questions from the media in January 2009 concerning the NFL Draft. Smith answered fans’ questions during a telephone Fan Forum on Tuesday night.
JACKSONVILLE.COM POLL: If the Jaguars drafted Tim Tebow, would you buy season tickets?
Tebow being on the team wouldn't affect my decision one way or another

[ View results ]
Audio: Gov. Crist discusses Tebow's passion at the SEC Championship along with future of the Jacksonville Jaguars and whether the team should draft Tebow

Audio courtesy of Governor Crist's office
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By Vito Stellino
The conventional wisdom that Jaguars fans want the team to draft former Florida quarterback Tim Tebow might not be accurate.

During the team’s first telephone Fan Forum with general manager Gene Smith on Tuesday night, an event limited to season-ticket holders, fans were asked if the team should draft Tebow.

Of the 800 fans who voted by phone, the answer was no by a 55 percent to 45 percent margin.

Vic Ketchman, the senior editor of who gave the fans’ questions to Smith, said he was “stunned” by the result. In the past, Ketchman has suggested that Tebow would have a better future in the NFL as a tight end than as a quarterback.

The Fan Forum was designed to promote the selling of season tickets and gave the fans a chance to ask Smith questions about the team.

Not surprisingly, the first question was about when Smith thought Tebow would be drafted.

Smith called it a great question, but he didn’t really answer it. Smith said draft boards can vary from team to team.

“I can’t give an answer to that,” Smith said.

When Ketchman asked if there was a chance the Jaguars would draft Tebow, Smith said he didn’t have a crystal ball.

“I’m not going to comment on where he’s going to be drafted,” Smith said.

Despite his success at Florida, there have been a lot of questions raised about Tebow’s ability to make it in the NFL as a quarterback because of his throwing motion and a poor showing in the Senior Bowl.

Smith seemed to indicate he doesn’t expect to draft a quarterback with the 10th pick of the first round when he said it wouldn’t be easy for a rookie quarterback to come in and be better than David Garrard and backup Luke McCow
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The problem is, there's one intoxicating distraction all NFL front offices risk....and that's the desire to look smarter than everyone else.

I like Tebow. I actually like him a lot. But he's a risky pick. An NFL club will take him in the late first round. That's a reach. Period. But it'll happen. It could even happen mid-1st round. Why? Because some GM or draft guru is convinced all the conventional wisdom is wrong. Once in a blue moon, conventional wisdom IS wrong.

Problem is, conventional wisdom got to be conventional wisdom by being right most of the time :)

That's not to say I'd be upset if the Skins drafted Tebow. But his risk warrants he's a 3rd or 4th round pick, not a 1st or 2nd. Here's to hoping some other team bets the house on an ace-high hand.
Colt Brennan led the Warriors to a perfect record, while throwing for a billion yards and 17000 touchdowns, and fell into the 6th round. Stats aren't the end all. /Zorn'd
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Poor Danny-if he were still running things Tebow might just blow Clausen out of the water.


Another $160 autograph signing for Tim Tebow

Posted by Michael David Smith on March 27, 2010 7:59 PM ET
We don't yet know how much money Tim Tebow will make on his rookie contract. But he sure does have a lucrative side business signing autographs.

Tebow appeared at an autograph signing in Florida today and -- for the second time this month -- charged $160 apiece for his signature. The Palm Beach Post (which, in a questionable journalistic decision, signed on as a sponsor of the event) reports that about 900 people showed up.

At $160 each, 900 autographs would generate $144,000. Not bad for four hours' work -- and that's about $100,000 less than he generated last time he charged $160 for his signature. And we haven't even gotten to the photographs, which were another $75 apiece.

The Post reports that Tebow wrote a $50,000 check for the Tim Tebow Foundation, which will in turn give money to orphanages and the Boys & Girls Clubs. The Post doesn't tell us how much money the Tebow Foundation is giving away, how much the Tebow Foundation is keeping, how much Tebow himself is keeping, or how much the event organizers -- a company called Palm Beach Autographs -- are keeping.

The Post also doesn't say how much it spent to sponsor the event. Whatever it was, the paper is clearly happy to be in the Tebow business: The Post's story is written in such a way that the reader is made to feel like Tebow provided a wonderful service during his four hours signing his name today.

There's only one athlete in America who can charge $160 for his autograph and come away from it looking like a saint, and that one is Tim Tebow.

Article link:

Iconoclasm is a hobby with me, BTW.
I think he’ll be long gone by the time we pick in the second round and don't think he's worth the 4th pick. The question then becomes would he be a target for us in any of the trade down scenarios? I’d say probably not, but I wouldn’t be out in the street with torches and pitchforks if he ended up a Skin. Even with all of his “deficiencies” he’s a better bet that some of the others who will be drafted high.
Contrary to what several other 'Skins fan I talk to think, I actually like Tebow, quite a bit. I would actually be happy drafting Tebow...but only if he falls into our lap in the later rounds, which I suspect he won't...
Anybody out there think that Shanahan's interest in Tebow could be a smoke screen? I like Tebow as well (at the right draft position) but does Shanahan like him as much as he is letting on?

I think that's HIGHLY likely given his history of drafting QB's. Cutler for example never had a visit and was a stealth draft when Shanahan looked at several other QB's quite hard that year. Not many if any people saw the Johnson or Parker signings coming nor several of the other releases and acquisitions, the FO leaks have obviously been plugged and there is definitely a completely new approach and philosophy being employed so I think anyone who thinks they are onto this crew is either brilliant or as clueless as the rest of us.

Terry, I am generally against trading up, especially for a QB but your take on it recently has me jumping the fence. As badly as I think we need the trenches overhauled our QB situation is by all accounts worse. After 4-12 and a decade of crotch tease I'm ready for the team to take a risk like that too.
Terry, I am generally against trading up, especially for a QB but your take on it recently has me jumping the fence. As badly as I think we need the trenches overhauled our QB situation is by all accounts worse. After 4-12 and a decade of crotch tease I'm ready for the team to take a risk like that too.

(having to type this to pad the post to get enough characters, but above is all I really wanted to say!)

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