I know it's only preseason, but LOOK at these stats!

Go Deep

The 1st Round Pick
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score

1st in NFL- giving up 168 yards per game
1st in NFL against the pass, 99 yds per game.
2nd in NFL- giving up 5 points per game.
3rd in NFL- against the rush, 138 yds total, 69 yds per game.


1st in NFL- 433 total yards per game.
2nd in NFL- 177 rushing yards per game, 5.1 yds per att.
4th in NFL- 256 passing yards per game, 7.4 per attempt.

Considering these stats were against the Steelers and Colts, i would say we have done one hell of a job so far.
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I am trying to remember that:

A) it's only preseaon
B) Peyton wasn't playing
C) If Roethlisburger wasn't so rusty, they would have put up more points/yardage

Having said that, I feel your excitment. It doesn't mean guaranteed transference to regular season, but the youngin's do seem to be playing well.
Just to compare to last preseason.(4 games: Bills, Ravens, Jets, Cardinals) We were...

12th in defense giving up 17.8 ppg and 307 yds pg.

6th in offense with 335 yds pg

27th in rushing with 77 yds pg and 3 yds pat.

3rd in passing with 258 yds pg and 7.6 yds per att.

Regardless, we have been playing lights out. The only red mark we've had in the preseason so far is our lack of TD's in the red zone. Even if preseason isn't much of a measuring stick, it's still ovbious we have improved a great deal.
And add that Polamalu wasn't playing. And Terry Bradshaw too.

Ok, just seeing if you are paying attention. :)
Mike, your perpetual optimism is refreshing at times, but there are too many of us who have been stung too many times by a solid pre-season performance that does not translate into the regular season. I will get excited when, and only when, we beat or play extremely well against the Giants on opening day.

Your frustration with people saying, "It's only pre-season" is met by our frustration with years of pre-season excitement dashed by a poor product on the field during regular season.

Is it nice to see the 1st team playing so well against two of the top teams in the AFC? Absolutely! But, it's only pre-season.
It's only pre-season.

there are too many of us who have been stung too many times by a solid pre-season performance that does not translate into the regular season.
4-0 and completely dominant in the preseason during the 1st year of the Spurrier Project immediately comes to mind.

I'm on the fence with preseason. Like you Mike, I can't help but get excited. They are playing a lot better than I expected, and I actually feel like we might get more than we're expecting out of our guys this year.

However, as El said, we've been burned way too many times in the past. I think of it as watching the games with your hands over your eyes, but leaving your fingers far enough apart to peek through and catch a glimpse.

I am excited, but not enough to say I think this year will be our year, not by any stretch. I do love the promise they show so far though, and nobody can take that away.
too many of us? like im not one of those guys who has sat around year after year and suffered too?

if you didnt get excited when Hightower ran that long run or when Helu kept breaking off runs clip after clip than maybe you guys are just too cynical. but to get down on someone because of their excitement over our performance with the same used up cliche is just sad. let go, have some fun, enjoy the game.

Yet you can get down on those of us who are cautiously optimistic?

Come on buddy. Everyone gets excited to see good play by our beloved Skins, but we are entitled to our reluctance to get too excited reminding ourselves that it is just pre-season.
Every time one of these preseason threads comes up I have the same thought: Skins fans are so gunshy about believing that the team could actually not suck anymore that they apply a one-sided standard to preseason.

If we look good, it's just preseason.

But if we suck? Well, it's because we suck.

Through two glorified scrimmages, the 2011 Skins look pretty sweet. Like a real pro football team, in fact. Doesn't mean they'll carry that over to live fire, no. But it sure as hell beats watching them spike themselves.
I think you two are arguing about two different things. El, you don't see the point is weighting these PS games too much, because they are preseason and don't matter. I see mo problem with that, and agree completely. If we think for sure that this success will carry over into the regular season, well, we need to be careful with that.

Mike, on the other hand, just wants to enjoy the games as they are. I don't think Mike believes the preseason success is indicative of guaranteed success in the regular season. Why not simply enjoy the fact that football is back and the Redskims look good?!

I see nothing wrong with either side, personally.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
I guess I'm kind of a unique case here.

Since I look at things in terms of improvement over past performance this preseason has been a pleasant one because I see things I have wanted to see but haven't in the past. Cohesiveness, basic football competence, a sense of everyone being on the same page, a greater sense of the new system being assimilated to a greater extent, a definite trend toward younger, more physically able and "hungrier" players, and most of all, what seems to a more prevalent sense of the team having confidence in it's own ability to play truly competitive football-the one element I have missed for quite a while.

While I acknowledge the "heartbreaks of the past" and their tendency to make people gunshy, I must honestly state that I am more optimistic about the Skins than I have been in quite a while.

And I am far more cynical than most. But I'm cynical about what I consider unwarranted pessimism as well.
if you didnt get excited when Hightower ran that long run or when Helu kept breaking off runs clip after clip than maybe you guys are just too cynical. but to get down on someone because of their excitement over our performance with the same used up cliche is just sad. let go, have some fun, enjoy the game.

I'm with this. I know all too well its pre-season, but its still been fun to watch. And regardless if the Colts and Steelers didn't have some starters play, neither did we. No Landry, or Atogwe for both games. No Fletcher for the Colts. and we have A LOT of young guys. They are playing solid. Even if you just compare the 1st halves, and discount the 2nd half (considering its filled w/ a lot of guys who won't make the roster)- you can't deny we have looked solid. A hell of a lot more solid than the 3 INT's Vick threw the other night.

Listening to some radio commentators, who have said the same thing. Nobody has expected the Skins to do jack crap this year, pre-season included. Even compared to the last few years, we haven't just luckily squeeked out wins, nor have we played perfect ball.

But that is ok, the team is playing solid, there really isn't any drama, the guys are all saying how much better this year is. Cooley said today that this is the hardest working, most focused squad his entire tenure. I believe Santana has said the same thing.

THAT is something I get exicted about, something to have hope about.
You can get excited all you want. I am not saying you shouldn't be, but it is only pre-season! Cliche or not, that is just a fact.

And Om, I have been soured, greatly! But I remember what pre-season meant to Gibbs so I am capable of the proper perspective of what pre-season should mean to a team. It's about evaluation and preparation.

Win, lose or draw, it's only pre-season.

Edit: And pre-season is very important...it does matter. I see something I haven't seen in years on this team, but I remind myself that we have a long road ahead. It's just pre-season and I am cautiously optimistic, not overly giddy by a few nice plays in games that do not give us an entirely accurate view of regular season potential.
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It's just preseason, Mike.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device

You can get excited all you want. I am not saying you shouldn't be, but it is only pre-season! Cliche or not, that is just a fact.

And Om, I have been soured, greatly! But I remember what pre-season meant to Gibbs so I am capable of the proper perspective of what pre-season should mean to a team. It's about evaluation and preparation.

Win, lose or draw, it's only pre-season.

Really? I thought this was regular season and means we go to the playoffs if we do good. :kick_can:
Really? I thought this was regular season and means we go to the playoffs if we do good. :kick_can:

Is that you Mike?

edit: And by the way some people are acting, you would think we had just won the Super Bowl.

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